‘One Nation, One Election’ is Feasible, but Requires Amendments and Resources: Ex-Chief Election Commissioner Outlines Roadmap

One Nation One Election

The concept of ‘One Nation, One Election’ has gained prominence as the government forms a committee to explore its feasibility. Former Chief Election Commissioner of India, OP Rawat, has shared insights into the potential implementation of this idea, emphasizing that it is possible but subject to certain conditions.

The government’s recent announcement regarding its intent to explore the idea of ‘One Nation, One Election’ has sparked discussions on the feasibility and implications of such a move. Former Chief Election Commissioner of India, OP Rawat, has shed light on the possibility of implementing this concept while underlining the need for specific amendments, resources, and consensus among political parties.

Rawat asserts that if the central government intends to proceed with the ‘One Nation, One Election’ proposal, several crucial steps must be taken. He points out, “Some amendments will have to be made in the Constitution and the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Alongside these legal changes, substantial funds will be required, as well as time to manufacture Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trails (VVPATs) and Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). Additionally, there will be a necessity for increased deployment of paramilitary forces.”

While the concept of ‘One Nation, One Election’ presents an intriguing prospect for streamlining the electoral process in India, Rawat underscores the importance of meticulous planning and the involvement of all political parties. He believes that to make this vision a reality, a comprehensive roadmap must be developed, and the support and cooperation of political entities across the spectrum must be secured.

Rawat’s insights into the ‘One Nation, One Election’ concept shed light on its historical context. He points out that discussions surrounding this idea were initiated as early as 2014-15 when the Election Commission was first approached to assess its feasibility. During that time, the Election Commission informed the government that such synchronized elections had previously occurred in India in 1952, 1957, 1962, and 1967 when Lok Sabha and Assembly elections were held concurrently.

The ‘One Nation, One Election’ concept has been a topic of considerable debate and deliberation, with proponents highlighting potential benefits such as reduced election-related expenditure, less disruption due to frequent polls, and enhanced governance stability. However, it also raises significant challenges, including logistical complexities, the need for constitutional amendments, and the synchronization of multiple state elections with the national election cycle.

Amid the ongoing discourse on this concept, the central government’s decision to establish a committee led by former President Ram Nath Kovind demonstrates its commitment to exploring the feasibility and implications of ‘One Nation, One Election’ in greater depth. The committee’s findings and recommendations will likely shape the future course of discussions and decisions regarding this ambitious electoral reform.

In conclusion, ‘One Nation, One Election’ holds the potential to transform India’s electoral landscape, but its successful implementation hinges on careful planning, legislative changes, and adequate resources. Former Chief Election Commissioner OP Rawat’s insights provide valuable perspectives on the challenges and opportunities associated with this concept. As discussions continue, it remains to be seen how the government, political parties, and stakeholders will navigate the complexities of achieving synchronized elections across the nation.

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