SC Same-Sex Marriage Hearing Live Updates: Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage Will Pave the Way for Acceptance in Society, Says Rohatgi

Follow the live updates of the SC Same-Sex Marriage Hearing and learn why recognizing same-sex marriage will be a significant step towards a more inclusive society, as explained by legal expert Rohatgi.


The recognition of same-sex marriage has been a contentious issue in India for a long time. While some people believe that everyone should have the right to marry whoever they love, regardless of gender, others argue that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. However, with the Supreme Court hearing arguments on the legality of same-sex marriage in India, the issue is once again in the limelight.

Recently, legal expert Rohatgi commented on the issue, stating that recognizing same-sex marriage would help society to accept it. He believes that the recognition of same-sex marriage would be a significant step towards a more inclusive society. In this article, we’ll explore his arguments in-depth and look at why recognizing same-sex marriage is so important.

Why is Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage So Important?

The recognition of same-sex marriage is an essential step towards creating a more inclusive society. Here are some reasons why:

  • Marriage is a fundamental right: Marriage is a fundamental right that every individual should have access to, regardless of their sexual orientation. Denying this right to same-sex couples is discriminatory and unjust.
  • Equal treatment under the law: Denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates their right to equal treatment under the law. All individuals should be treated equally, regardless of their sexual orientation.
  • Legal recognition of relationships: Marriage provides legal recognition of relationships, which is essential for same-sex couples. Without legal recognition, same-sex couples are not entitled to the same benefits and protections as heterosexual couples.
  • Reducing stigma: Recognizing same-sex marriage helps to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community. It sends a message that their relationships are valid and deserving of the same respect and recognition as heterosexual relationships.

Rohatgi’s Arguments in Favor of Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage

Rohatgi believes that recognizing same-sex marriage is a critical step towards creating a more inclusive society. Here are some of the key arguments he makes:

  • Driving societal acceptance: Recognizing same-sex marriage will help drive societal acceptance of same-sex relationships. By granting same-sex couples the right to marry, society will begin to see same-sex relationships as legitimate and deserving of respect and recognition.
  • Ending discrimination: Recognizing same-sex marriage will help end discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. It sends a clear message that discrimination based on sexual orientation is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Upholding constitutional values: Recognizing same-sex marriage is in line with the constitutional values of equality, non-discrimination, and personal liberty. Upholding these values is essential for creating a just and fair society.
  • Protecting individual rights: Recognizing same-sex marriage protects the individual rights of same-sex couples. Denying them the right to marry violates their right to equal treatment under the law and their right to privacy.


Q. What is the current status of same-sex marriage in India?

A. Same-sex marriage is not currently legal in India. However, the Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments on the issue, and many legal experts believe that it is only a matter of time before same-sex marriage is recognized in the country.

Q. What benefits will same-sex couples be entitled to if same-sex marriage is recognized?

A. Same-sex couples will be entitled to the same benefits and protections as heterosexual couples, including inheritance rights, insurance benefits, and tax benefits.

Q. Will recognizing same-sex marriage have any negative impact on society?

A. No, recognizing same-sex marriage will not have any negative impact on society. In fact, it will promote inclusivity and help end discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

Q. What can individuals do to support the recognition of same-sex marriage?

A. Individuals can support the recognition of same-sex marriage by speaking out in favor of it, educating others about its importance, and advocating for change in their communities and workplaces. They can also support LGBTQ+ organizations that work towards achieving equal rights and protections for the community.


The recognition of same-sex marriage is a crucial step towards creating a more inclusive and just society. It is a fundamental right that every individual should have access to, regardless of their sexual orientation. Recognizing same-sex marriage will help end discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, promote inclusivity, and uphold constitutional values of equality and non-discrimination. Legal expert Rohatgi’s arguments in favor of recognizing same-sex marriage highlight its importance in driving societal acceptance, protecting individual rights, and upholding constitutional values. As the Supreme Court hears arguments on the legality of same-sex marriage in India, it is essential to support this cause and advocate for equal rights and protections for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

SC Same-Sex Marriage Hearing Live Updates: SC recognizing same-sex marriage will drive society to accept it, says Rohatgi. His insights shed light on the significance of recognizing same-sex marriage and its positive impact on society. As we move towards a more inclusive world, let us support this cause and work towards creating a just and fair society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.


Q. What is the current status of same-sex marriage in India?

A. Same-sex marriage is not currently legal in India. However, the Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments on the issue, and many legal experts believe that it is only a matter of time before same-sex marriage is recognized in the country.

Q. What benefits will same-sex couples be entitled to if same-sex marriage is recognized?

A. Same-sex couples will be entitled to the same benefits and protections as heterosexual couples, including inheritance rights, insurance benefits, and tax benefits.

Q. Will recognizing same-sex marriage have any negative impact on society?

A. No, recognizing same-sex marriage will not have any negative impact on society. In fact, it will promote inclusivity and help end discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

Q. What can individuals do to support the recognition of same-sex marriage?

A. Individuals can support the recognition of same-sex marriage by speaking out in favor of it, educating others about its importance, and advocating for change in their communities and workplaces. They can also support LGBTQ+ organizations that work towards achieving equal rights and protections for the community.

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