The Harsh Reality of Worthless Degrees: Creating an Unemployable Generation in India

In India, the pursuit of higher education has become increasingly important. However, the quality of education being provided is questionable, with many students graduating with degrees that hold no value in the job market. This article explores the issue of worthless degrees and their impact on creating an unemployable generation in India.


India has one of the largest education systems in the world, with over 1.5 million schools and more than 36,000 higher education institutions. The country is known for its emphasis on education and has produced some of the most successful entrepreneurs, scientists, and leaders. However, the reality of the education system is harsh, with many students graduating with degrees that hold no value in the job market. This phenomenon is not new, but it is becoming increasingly prevalent, creating an unemployable generation in India.

The pursuit of higher education has become the norm in India, with many students opting to attend college to secure their future. However, the quality of education being provided is questionable, with many colleges and universities failing to meet the required standards. As a result, many students graduate with worthless degrees that do not provide any tangible benefits in the job market. This has led to a rise in unemployment rates, with many graduates struggling to find suitable employment opportunities.

Worthless degrees are creating an unemployable generation in India

The issue of worthless degrees in India is a complex one, with many factors contributing to the problem. Some of the main causes of the issue are discussed below:

Lack of quality education

One of the main reasons for the prevalence of worthless degrees in India is the lack of quality education being provided. Many colleges and universities in the country fail to meet the required standards, with outdated curriculums and inadequate teaching methods. This results in students graduating with degrees that do not adequately prepare them for the job market.

Focus on rote learning

Another contributing factor to the issue of worthless degrees is the focus on rote learning. In India, the education system is heavily based on memorization and regurgitation of information, rather than critical thinking and practical application. This results in students who may have a degree but lack the necessary skills and experience to succeed in their chosen field.

Lack of practical training

In addition to the focus on rote learning, another factor contributing to the problem of worthless degrees is the lack of practical training. Many colleges and universities fail to provide students with hands-on experience in their chosen field, resulting in graduates who lack the necessary skills to succeed in the job market.

Mismatch between education and job market

Another factor contributing to the issue of worthless degrees in India is the mismatch between education and the job market. Many students choose courses that they are interested in, without considering the demand for such courses in the job market. As a result, they end up with degrees that hold no value in the job market.

Over-emphasis on degrees

Another factor contributing to the problem of worthless degrees is the over-emphasis on degrees. In India, a degree is seen as a measure of success, and many students and parents believe that a degree is essential for success in life. This results in students pursuing degrees that may not be suitable for their interests or skills, leading to a glut of graduates in certain fields, and a shortage of skilled professionals in other areas.

The Impact of Worthless Degrees

The impact of worthless degrees is significant, not only on the individual but also on the economy as a whole. Some of the main impacts are discussed below:


One of the most significant impacts of worthless degrees is unemployment. With a large number of graduates entering the job market with degrees that hold no value, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to find suitable employment opportunities. This results in a rise in unemployment rates, which has a detrimental effect on the economy.


In addition to unemployment, another impact of worthless degrees is underemployment. Many graduates end up taking jobs that are below their skill level, resulting in a waste of talent and potential. This also has a negative impact on the economy, as it leads to a decrease in productivity and competitiveness.

Brain drain

Another impact of worthless degrees is brain drain. Many graduates end up leaving the country in search of better job opportunities and a higher standard of living. This results in a loss of talent and potential, which has a negative impact on the country’s economic growth and development.

Increase in debt

Another impact of worthless degrees is an increase in debt. Many students take out loans to finance their education, with the hope that their degree will lead to a high-paying job. However, with many degrees holding no value in the job market, graduates are left with a significant amount of debt and no means to repay it.


In conclusion, the issue of worthless degrees is a pressing concern in India, with many graduates entering the job market with degrees that hold no value. This has a significant impact on the individual, leading to unemployment, underemployment, and an increase in debt. It also has a negative effect on the economy as a whole, leading to a decrease in productivity and competitiveness. Addressing the issue of worthless degrees requires a multi-pronged approach, focusing on improving the quality of education, promoting practical training, and creating more job opportunities in fields that are in demand. Only then can we create a workforce that is skilled, capable, and employable.


Q: What can be done to address the issue of worthless degrees in India?

A: To address the issue of worthless degrees in India, a multi-pronged approach is required. This includes improving the quality of education being provided, focusing on practical training, promoting a culture of entrepreneurship, and creating more job opportunities in fields that are in demand.

Q: What impact does the issue of worthless degrees have on the economy?

A: The issue of worthless degrees has a significant impact on the economy, leading to a rise in unemployment and underemployment, brain drain, and an increase in debt. This has a negative effect on the country’s economic growth and development.

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