Tarot card reading from June 26th, 2023 to Jul 2nd, 2023 for all zodiac signs


Weekly tarot predictions: Tarot card reading from June 26th, 2023 to Jul 2nd, 2023 for all zodiac signs |


This week your analytical and decision-making capability is going to be strong. Use this period to plan your long-term future. You will be able to accomplish a great deal of work with your strength and electric energy. However, try to slow down a little, instead of rushing into the next task. Curb your impatience. You don’t need to initiate too many changes at this time. Grow within your current situation. Much contentment shall come from mixing and blending well with what’s happening right now. You and your loved ones are going to be safe and content. Home and family life will bring stability and happiness into your life. Those who are planning on buying a new home can consider doing so.

King of Swords

King of Swords |


This week, you will be able to break your indecision through discussions and exchange of ideas. There shall be a need to socialize. Be bold and make the first move when you meet people. Go wild with your ideas. If required, take time out to consider all the views and look at things from a fresh perspective. It is a good time to pause and plan. Trust that a slight detour from your original thinking could bring better results. Set your sights on bigger and better goals. There could be positive new beginnings in personal life. Home and family shall bring happiness and contentment.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords |


Dear Gemini, this week you may seem more emotional than usual. Your home and family life could require attention. Channelize your mature, understanding and caring side during this period. Use a calm and peaceful approach. You may get the support of some people, if not everyone. Try not to overtly control the situation.  Focus on the positives as there is much success and happiness coming your way. Surrender the timing of certain outcomes to the divine. At work, you will be able to progress slowly but steadily. You will take ownership of tasks and lead people with your vision. Your strength shall be tested but you shall be capable of managing anything that comes your way.

Five of Cups

Five of Cups |


This week brings multiple challenges. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by confusion.

The results of your efforts could get a little delayed. Hence, your commitment towards your goals could get tested. Take time to retreat and recharge. Intermittent rest will help reduce the discomfort of facing various issues. Try to lighten up the mood every now and then. In your personal life, bring more compassion into the equation. Avoid being too straight forward or bossy in your approach. You are going to be more logical than usual during this period, even when dealing with personal issues. Your atypical water sign emotions could be lacking or the challenges in other areas could start impacting your relationships. Try to maintain strong boundaries between your personal and professional life. Don’t let the difficulties in one area impact the other.

Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands |


This week, take some time to reflect. Try to delve deeper into the details. Don’t be too rigid about your goals and vision.  Some of you may need a break from all the chaos around you. It is time to bring a beginners mindset. Start afresh and try to be more self-sufficient instead of involving people. Choose a path that allows you to explore, learn, experiment and travel. Expose your mind to new ideas and concepts. Follow your curiosity. Some of you have already established a stable income and your financial stability looks decent. This is a good time for people who wish to opt for higher education. Your personal life will not be a point of focus during this period or you may decide not give it more attention than absolutely required.     

The Hermit

The Hermit |


It is time to take a slight detour and adjust your goals. Take time to reflect. Be honest and true to yourself and it will help you walk away from something that is not working for you. Show the world the real you. Don’t be afraid of speaking your mind and sticking to your values.  Leave some things to the Universe/God. A long standing wish could be fulfilled during this period. There is much abundance coming your way. Stay open to receiving. Singles could meet someone attractive. The chemistry in your existing relationship will improve. Some Virgos may decide to commit to a long-term partnership or marriage. Overall, this is a great period for family and romantic ties. You will feel emotionally happy and content.

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups |


This week, material wealth and security is going to be on your mind. Some of you may decide to enjoy the fruits of your hard-earned money. There could be a new opportunity to improve your financial wealth. The energy is gaining momentum and your confidence and belief in yourself will gain strength. You will stand your ground and defend your ideas and opinions. Any blocks will be released through money and power. Take time out to help people in your community. In your personal life, you are going to be loving, caring and understanding. You may decide to offer gifts of comfort and luxury to your loved ones.

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles |


This week, take one step at a time. Avoid any hasty moves and decisions. Patience will be your key to success. You will be able to face your challenges through perseverance and investigation. Delve into the depths of things. Don’t accept surface level answers. Remember, Scorpios are very good at digging deep and finding out things. Your finances are looking good and you will have the opportunity to increase your wealth. Some of you might be looking at a new job or a promotion. You could be rewarded for your past efforts. Your self-confidence will improve. However, beware of getting arrogant or cocky. Stay humble. In your personal relationships, drop your protective shields. Be loyal to the people you love.

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles |


Dear Sagittarius, this week effective communication is going to be the key to success, both, in your personal and professional life. Be proactive when it comes to connecting with people. Ensure that the conversations remain smooth and interesting. You will have to embrace some grey areas during this period as the answers may not be clear to you right away and it is ok. Your spiritual connection to (God/Universe/Higher-Self) shall bring good results. At work, try to adopt a methodical and logical approach. Take things step by step and follow a proper schedule to get the best of everything. In your personal life, you are going to be emotional, romantic and caring. Your close relationships shall bring much happiness and contentment. Trust the Universe.

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups |


This week you will have the strength and courage to break through challenges. Have faith in your dreams. There could be some confusion and illusion around you. Hence, don’t believe in everything at face value. Check, cross-check and double check things before going ahead. Leave the past behind but make sure you use your past experiences to your advantage, going forward. Travel shall be beneficial. Try to save as much money as possible to create a more stable financial future. Some of you need to plan your long-term wealth, e.g. (purchase a home or property). Grow roots or establish yourself in a specific location. Your Spirit Guides/God/Universe shall be with you every step of the way. Love is in the air during this period. Some of you may decide to get married or commit to an existing relationship.

The Chariot

The Chariot |


Dear Aquarius, this week you can look forward to fresh new beginnings. Some of you have been waiting to explore new options and the wait has been difficult. Finally, you will see the green light to march ahead. Your patience is going to pay off. Expect a rebirth. Make the most of this auspicious period before the beginning of your new journey. Prosperity lies ahead for you. Be humble, flexible and open in your approach. Plan well. There could be a celebration or party in your social circle. Singles could meet someone special. You are going to be in the mood to flirt and mingle with potential romantic interests.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands |


Dear Pisces, this week is going to bring a lot of positivity into your life. You will experience something like a rebirth and the miracles could be endless. You are going to be full of inspiration, ideas and energy to execute many tasks. Try to grow and focus in your current space without getting too impatient. Some of you may have the tendency to fall into the trap of overthinking and despair. Remember, this period brings much happiness and potential for success and you need to make the most of it. Team work shall be favored. Your personal life is going to be busy and happy. There shall be much communication between loved ones and it will make you feel energized. A lot of healing and hope is coming to your close relationships. This is a blessed period.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups |

Deck- White Sage Tarot

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