An expert has claimed that in the ‘next few years,’ AI could replace 80% of human jobs.

Regardless of the approach we take, it is clear that the rise of AI will have a profound impact on our society and our economy.

Artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially replace almost 80 percent of human jobs in the coming years, according to US-Brazilian researcher and cognitive scientist, Ben Goertzel. As the founder and chief executive of SingularityNET, a research group dedicated to creating “Artificial General Intelligence” (AGI), Goertzel believes that AI with human cognitive abilities could become a reality soon.

While AI is already transforming various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, there are concerns that automation could lead to widespread job displacement. In a recent interview, Goertzel warned that AI could replace up to 80 percent of human jobs in the “next few years,” leaving many people unemployed.

Despite these concerns, Goertzel believes that AGI could provide a solution to the potential job crisis. He argues that AGI could enable humans to work alongside machines in new and innovative ways, creating new types of jobs that are currently beyond our imagination. However, Goertzel acknowledges that there is still a lot of work to be done in order to develop AGI that is truly beneficial to humans.

SingularityNET, the research group founded by Goertzel, is working to develop a decentralized platform for AGI. The group’s goal is to create a network of Artificial intelligence agents that can work together to solve complex problems, while also maintaining transparency and accountability. SingularityNET’s platform is based on blockchain technology, which allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for a central authority.

Goertzel’s warning about the potential impact of Artificial intelligence on human jobs is not new. Many experts have been sounding the alarm about the need to prepare for a future in which machines are increasingly able to perform tasks that were once done by humans. Governments, businesses, and individuals are all grappling with the implications of this shift, and there is no easy solution.

One approach that has been suggested is to focus on reskilling and upskilling the workforce to prepare for the jobs of the future. This could involve investing in education and training programs that teach people the skills they need to work alongside machines and to perform tasks that require human creativity and judgment.

Another approach is to rethink our social and economic systems to ensure that everyone has access to the resources they need to live fulfilling lives, even if they are not able to work in the traditional sense. This could involve implementing policies such as universal basic income, which provides a guaranteed income to all citizens regardless of their employment status.

Regardless of the approach we take, it is clear that the rise of Artificial intelligence will have a profound impact on our society and our economy. As we continue to develop and deploy these technologies, we must be mindful of their potential benefits and risks, and work together to create a future that works for everyone.

In addition to the challenges of job displacement, the widespread implementation of Artificial intelligence could also lead to a number of ethical concerns. Many experts worry that if AI systems are left unchecked, they could become too powerful and pose a risk to human safety and privacy.

Goertzel acknowledges these concerns, but believes that they can be addressed through careful design and oversight. He is a strong proponent of the idea that Artificial intelligence systems should be transparent, so that humans can understand how they are making decisions and take steps to correct any errors or biases.

Despite the potential risks, many companies and governments around the world are investing heavily in AI research and development. In India, for example, the government has launched the National Artificial Intelligence Mission, which aims to make India a leader in AI by 2025.

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