Billionaire Nithin Kamath’s suggestion amid Bournvita row: ‘Indicate fat, sugar…’

Nithin Kamath, a billionaire investor, suggests that food products should indicate the amount of fat, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients. Read on to know more about this suggestion and how it can impact the food industry.


Recently, there has been a lot of uproar regarding the Bournvita advertisement. The advertisement featured a child drinking Bournvita and running faster than his peers. However, many people found the ad misleading and criticized it for promoting unhealthy food habits. In the midst of this controversy, billionaire investor Nithin Kamath suggested that food products should indicate the amount of fat, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients. Let’s delve deeper into this suggestion and its potential impact on the food industry.

Why is Nithin Kamath’s suggestion important?

Obesity and other lifestyle diseases have become a major concern worldwide. In India, the number of people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and other related ailments has been on the rise. The World Health Organization has stated that unhealthy eating habits are one of the leading causes of these diseases. People are consuming food products without knowing their nutritional value, which is leading to health issues.

Nithin Kamath’s suggestion can help people make informed choices about the food they consume. By indicating the amount of fat, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients, people will know what they are putting into their bodies. This can lead to a reduction in the consumption of unhealthy food products and ultimately, a decrease in lifestyle diseases.

How can Nithin Kamath’s suggestion be implemented?

Nithin Kamath’s suggestion may seem like a simple one, but it can be challenging to implement. Here are some ways in which this suggestion can be put into practice:

  1. Labeling: Food products can be labeled with the amount of fat, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients they contain. This will enable people to make an informed decision about whether or not to consume a particular food product.
  2. Education: The government and other organizations can educate people about healthy eating habits. They can emphasize the importance of reading food labels and making informed choices.
  3. Incentives: Companies that produce healthy food products can be incentivized. This can encourage them to produce more healthy food options and make them more affordable for people.

What are the challenges in implementing Nithin Kamath’s suggestion?

Implementing Nithin Kamath’s suggestion is not without its challenges. Here are some potential roadblocks:

  1. Cost: Implementing this suggestion can be expensive. Companies may have to invest in new technology and processes to indicate the amount of fat, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients.
  2. Resistance: The food industry may resist this suggestion. They may not want to label their products with information that could potentially discourage people from buying them.
  3. Compliance: Even if this suggestion is implemented, there may be compliance issues. Some companies may not adhere to the labeling requirements, and it may be challenging to enforce these regulations.


Nithin Kamath’s suggestion amid Bournvita row: ‘Indicate fat, sugar…’ can be a game-changer in appraising people about the nutritional value of food products. It can help people make informed decisions about the food they consume, which can ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle. However, implementing this suggestion is not without its challenges. The food industry may resist this change, and it can be expensive to implement. Nevertheless, the potential benefits of this suggestion far outweigh the challenges.

In conclusion, Nithin Kamath’s suggestion is an important step towards promoting healthy eating habits. It is imperative that the government and other organizations take steps to implement this suggestion and educate people about the importance of healthy eating. By doing so, we can create a healthier and happier society.


Q1. Is Nithin Kamath’s suggestion only applicable to India? A. No, this suggestion can be implemented worldwide.

Q2. Will labeling food products with unhealthy ingredients discourage people from buying them? A. It is possible, but people have the right to make informed decisions about the food they consume.

Q3. Will this suggestion be applicable to all food products? A. Yes, this suggestion can be applied to all food products.

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