BMC Pass The Buck On Encroachments, Colonizers Point At Clogged Nullaha


Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Authorities at Bhopal Municipal Corporation, builders and colonizers are busy playing blame game over the flood-like situation that many residential areas and colonies witnessed recently following downpour. The very first spell of monsoon rain brought many areas of the city to its knees. Instead of shouldering the responsibility and taking corrective measures, the authorities concerned are pointing fingers at each other. The colonizers and builders too have turned their back on the residents leaving them to deal with waterlogging in their areas.

Come monsoon and the rainwater inundate residential areas and colonies throwing normal life into disarray. Colonizers blame the BMC administration for not cleaning and desilting nullaha before monsoon despite repeated reminders. On other hand, the municipal authorities held the colonizer responsible for ill-planned roads, poor sewage systems and encroachments for the flooding in colonies. 

The nullah adjoining Prakash Tarun Pushkar, Habibganj Nakka, the one at six number market,  canal that passes through Kaliasot to Barrai are full of garbage, said residents and colonizers and during rains water overflowing from these nullahs enters the colonies inundating them.

The clogged nullahas cause flood-like situations, we have written to the BMC reminding repeatedly about cleaning the nullahs before the monsoon but even then the authorities did not take the required steps, said the residents. Similarly, in old Bhopal, drains have not been cleaned before monsoon and the traders and residents will have to bear the brunt of the negligence of the officials.

New Colony Welfare Association president Sunil Upadhayay said, “BMC has not cleaned nullahs in the city before the onset of monsoon. This was the main cause of the flood-like situation in many parts of the city with the first spell of monsoon. We have raised the issue many times before the authority concerned but nothing has been done so far. And it is ultimately the people who have to suffer.”

Bagmugalia (extension) resident Uma Kant Tiwari said, “Last time, the slum near crematorium was flooded as the irrigation department canal was not cleaned and water had overflowed following downpour. We have written to the irrigation department and BMC administration to clean the nullahs. BMC senior officials need to visit and check if the nullahs have been cleaned and desilted to avert any mishap.”      

“Encroachments adjoining nullahs and drains are a major cause of flooding in Bhopal. BMC is trying to clear the encroachments in various parts of the city. There should be awareness among people regarding encroachment and they too should discourage encroachment in their areas.” Mayor Malti Rai

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