Board exams for Classes 5, 8: Supreme Court refuses to stay Karnataka high court order


The Supreme Court of India has refused to stay a Karnataka High Court order that directed the state government to not hold board exams for students in Classes 5 and 8. The High Court had issued the order in response to a petition filed by a parents’ association, which argued that the exams would cause undue stress to young students and that there was no justification for holding the exams during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Karnataka government had appealed to the Supreme Court to stay the High Court order, arguing that the exams were necessary to assess the learning levels of students and that all necessary COVID-19 protocols would be followed during the exams.

However, the Supreme Court declined to stay the High Court order and instead directed the Karnataka government to file a response to the parents’ association’s petition within three weeks. The Court also asked the government to clarify its position on whether it intended to hold exams for Classes 5 and 8 in the future.

The decision has been welcomed by the parents’ association, which has argued that exams for young children should not be conducted in the current circumstances. The association has also called for the state government to devise alternative methods of assessing student learning, such as through continuous evaluation and formative assessments.

The issue of board exams for young students has been a contentious one in India, with some arguing that such exams are unnecessary and put undue pressure on children. However, others believe that exams are an important tool for assessing student learning and ensuring accountability in the education system.

Overall, the Supreme Court’s decision indicates that there is a need for a balanced approach to the issue of board exams for young students, taking into account both the educational needs of students and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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