Building a Legacy: Dr. Shweta Singh’s Contribution to the Startup Ecosystem

Dr. Shweta Singh

In the fast-paced realm of entrepreneurship, Dr. Shweta Singh stands as a pioneer and catalyst for innovation. As the Founder and CEO of Ennoble IP and Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundation (STEP UP 360), she has spearheaded initiatives that have made a significant impact on the startup ecosystem.

Dr. Shweta is a first-generation serial entrepreneur, with expertise spanning mentoring, angel investing, wealth management, and strategic advising for numerous tech-based startups and SMEs. Her active involvement in supporting women-led startups and business ventures underscores her commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial landscape.

Ennoble IP serves as a comprehensive hub for Intellectual Property (IP) Services tailored to the needs of Universities, SMEs, and Startups, with IALM as a trusted training partner. Complementing this, STEP UP 360 represents a groundbreaking endeavour, being the first Women and IP-led Accelerator dedicated to technology-based startups, providing holistic support and guidance. The accelerator is at the forefront of efforts to fortify the culture of women entrepreneurship in India.

Dr. Shweta brings a wealth of knowledge and experience derived from a unique blend of corporate acumen and educational proficiency, particularly in the domains of IPR and startup ecosystem management. With nearly a decade of corporate exposure in intellectual property research, management, and business consultancy, coupled with five years of hands-on experience in the startup ecosystem, her insights are invaluable.

One of her core contributions lies in delivering specialized techno-legal and innovation consulting services. These services empower inventors, startups, and SMEs to forge robust intellectual property strategies, ensuring long-term strategic advantages and a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Dr. Shweta’s intellectual prowess is further demonstrated through her authorship of three books, each delving into the virtues of Intellectual Property Rights, Women Empowerment, and Bioethics. In addition, she has published eight research papers, both nationally and internationally, contributing significantly to the discourse in her field.

As an educator and mentor, Dr. Shweta has conducted numerous training programs aimed at fortifying IP frameworks, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and startups. Her ability to infuse confidence, strength, flexibility, and a calculated risk-taking approach sets her apart. Driven by an unwavering passion for her vision and a steadfast dedication to her mission, Dr. Shweta Singh has emerged as an invaluable asset to Ennoble IP and STEP UP 360.

Through her tireless efforts, Dr. Shweta is not only shaping the future of innovation and entrepreneurship but also paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse startup landscape. Her indomitable spirit serves as an inspiration for budding entrepreneurs and women in the field, demonstrating that with determination and vision, the sky is the limit.

Check out her Instagram profile.

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