China alleged that US balloons have flown over Xinjiang and Tibet, prompted a warning of retaliation

Tensions between the United States and China continue to escalate, as China accuses the US of violating its sovereignty by sending high altitude balloons over sensitive regions. The dispute began when the US shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon hovering over its military areas, leading China to warn of retaliation.
China alleged that US balloons have flown over Xinjiang and Tibet, prompted a warning of retaliation
China alleged that US balloons have flown over Xinjiang and Tibet, prompted a warning of retaliation

Tensions between the United States and China continue to escalate, as China accuses the US of violating its sovereignty by sending high altitude balloons over sensitive regions. The dispute began when the US shot down an alleged Chinese spy balloon hovering over its military areas, leading China to warn of retaliation.

China said today that US high altitude balloons flew over its Xinjiang and Tibet regions, and it will take measures against US entities that undermine Chinese sovereignty as a diplomatic dispute festered.

China said earlier this week that US balloons had flown over its airspace without permission more than 10 times since May 2022, without giving details on their location.

“Without the approval of the relevant authorities in China, these balloons have illegally flown over China’s airspace at least 10 times, including over northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and southwest China’s Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region,” Wang said, according to the Global Times tabloid.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin issued a statement on Wednesday, confirming that US high altitude balloons had flown over China’s Xinjiang and Tibet regions. “This is a serious violation of China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he said. “We will take necessary measures to safeguard our sovereignty and security, and to protect our interests.”

China has not specified what those measures might be, but the statement suggests that the country is prepared to take a tough stance against any perceived aggression from the US. The dispute is the latest in a long line of conflicts between the two countries, which have been engaged in a trade war for several years.

“China has repeatedly explained to the US that Chinese civilian airships flew into the US airspace due to force majeure, but the latter neglected to mention that a US balloon illegally flew over the Chinese airspace without China’s approval, and also accused China of spreading false information,” Wang said.

“The US accused the Chinese airship of flying into the US airspace and violating American sovereignty, but how will the US explain illegal balloons flying over China’s airspace,” Wang asked.

The US has accused China of engaging in unfair trade practices, theft of intellectual property, and human rights violations in Xinjiang. The Chinese government has denied these accusations, and has accused the US of meddling in its internal affairs.

The use of high altitude balloons for surveillance is not a new tactic, and both the US and China have used them in the past. However, the latest incident suggests that tensions between the two countries are escalating, and that neither side is willing to back down.

The US has not yet responded to China’s statement, but the situation is likely to be closely monitored by policymakers and analysts. With tensions between the two countries at an all-time high, any further escalation of the dispute could have significant implications for global security and stability.

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