Congress alleged that Israeli ‘Team Jorge’ meddling into Indian politics

The Indian National Congress has recently accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of taking the help of Israeli Contract Hackers to interfere in the country’s political system by spreading disinformation on digital media. The Congress spokesperson, Pawan Khera, made these allegations while referring to a group of hackers called “Team Jorge,” who are believed to be based in Israel.
Congress alleged that Israeli ‘Team Jorge’ meddling into Indian politics
Congress alleged that Israeli ‘Team Jorge’ meddling into Indian politics
Congress Spokesperson Pawan Khera

Khera raised questions over the hackers’ team, and said, “Is BJP taking the help of Israeli Contract Hackers to meddle in the Indian political system by spreading massive disinformation on Digital Media?

The Indian National Congress has recently accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of taking the help of Israeli Contract Hackers to interfere in the country’s political system by spreading disinformation on digital media. The Congress spokesperson, Pawan Khera, made these allegations while referring to a group of hackers called “Team Jorge,” who are believed to be based in Israel.

According to Khera, Team Jorge has been actively involved in spreading fake news and propaganda on social media platforms to influence public opinion in favor of the BJP. He also claimed that the BJP has hired the services of these hackers to conduct cyber attacks on the opposition parties and their leaders.

The Congress has further alleged that the Israeli hackers are part of a larger conspiracy by the BJP to subvert the democratic process in the country. Khera pointed out that the use of foreign hackers for such purposes is not only illegal but also poses a serious threat to the national security of India.

The BJP has strongly refuted these allegations and accused the Congress of indulging in baseless and unfounded allegations. The party’s spokesperson, Sambit Patra, said that the Congress was trying to deflect attention from its own failures by making false accusations against the BJP.

“Is there a link between the Fake News Portal Post Card News & ‘Team Jorge’ – A team of Israeli contractors who claim to have manipulated more than 30 elections around the world using hacking, sabotage and automated disinformation on social media?”

Patra also pointed out that the BJP has always been committed to upholding the democratic values of India and has never resorted to any illegal means to achieve its political objectives. He further stated that the BJP has always been at the forefront of the fight against fake news and propaganda on social media platforms.

The use of social media in Indian politics has grown exponentially in recent years, and all political parties are trying to harness its power to reach out to a larger audience. However, this has also led to an increase in the spread of fake news and propaganda, which can have serious consequences for the country’s social and political fabric.

It is, therefore, important for all political parties to act responsibly and refrain from using illegal means to influence public opinion. The government should also take strict measures to prevent the spread of fake news and propaganda on social media platforms and ensure that the democratic process is not subverted by any means.

The allegations of Israeli “Team Jorge” meddling in Indian politics made by the Congress are serious and need to be thoroughly investigated. It is crucial that the democratic process in India is not compromised in any way, and that all political parties act with integrity and respect for the rule of law.

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