Congress and NCP’s Dependence on Uddhav Thackeray Exposed by Fadnavis

Former Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, has taken a dig at the Congress and NCP by stating that they have no leader to showcase apart from the current Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray. Read on to know more about this political drama.


Politics in India is never short of drama and controversies, and the state of Maharashtra is no exception to this rule. The political landscape in the state has been witnessing a lot of upheavals since the 2019 assembly elections, which saw a unique coalition of Shiv Sena, Congress, and NCP come to power. However, the uneasy alliance between the three parties has been under constant scrutiny, with allegations of power-sharing disputes and internal conflicts. In the latest development, former Maharashtra Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, has taken a swipe at the Congress and NCP by claiming that they have no face to show apart from the current Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray.

This statement has stirred up a lot of buzz in the political circles, and people are curious to know the backstory behind Fadnavis’s remarks. In this article, we will delve deep into this issue and understand the implications of Fadnavis’s comments.

Why did Fadnavis make this statement?

Devendra Fadnavis is a prominent leader of the BJP and has been the face of the party in Maharashtra for a long time. After the BJP’s defeat in the 2019 assembly elections, Fadnavis resigned as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Since then, he has been vocal about the Shiv Sena-led government’s shortcomings and has criticized them on various occasions.

Recently, Fadnavis was speaking to reporters when he made the statement about Congress and NCP having no face to show apart from Uddhav Thackeray. He was referring to the ongoing controversy surrounding the Chief Minister’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state. Fadnavis accused Thackeray of being an absent leader who was not taking the necessary steps to contain the virus’s spread. He also claimed that the Chief Minister was making decisions based on political expediency rather than public interest.

Is Fadnavis’s statement true?

Fadnavis’s statement has some truth to it. The Congress and NCP have been facing a leadership crisis in Maharashtra for a long time. The Congress, which was once the dominant party in the state, has been reduced to a marginal player in recent years. The party has been struggling to find a leader who can rejuvenate its cadre and take on the BJP and Shiv Sena.

Similarly, the NCP has also been grappling with a leadership crisis. The party’s patriarch, Sharad Pawar, is still active in politics, but his age is catching up with him. His daughter, Supriya Sule, is seen as the next-generation leader, but she is yet to establish herself as a force to reckon with in Maharashtra politics.

In this context, Fadnavis’s statement about Congress and NCP’s dependence on Uddhav Thackeray is not entirely baseless. Thackeray, who was a political novice before becoming the Chief Minister, has emerged as a popular leader in Maharashtra. He has been able to consolidate his position within the Shiv Sena and is seen as a decisive leader who can take tough decisions.

What are the implications of Fadnavis’s statement?

Fadnavis’s statement has put the Congress and NCP on the back foot. The two parties have been forced to defend themselves against Fadnavis’s allegations and have found it difficult to counter his arguments. The BJP, on the other hand, has used Fadnavis’s remarks to attack the Shiv Sena-led government and portray themselves as a credible alternative to the current dispensation.

The controversy surrounding Uddhav Thackeray’s leadership has also highlighted the fissures within the Shiv Sena. There are reports of a power struggle within the party between Uddhav Thackeray and his cousin, Raj Thackeray. The BJP has been trying to take advantage of this internal conflict and has been wooing Raj Thackeray to join forces with them.

The implications of Fadnavis’s statement go beyond Maharashtra politics. The Congress and NCP are key players in the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), which is the opposition alliance at the national level. The UPA is led by the Congress, and the NCP is one of its prominent allies. Fadnavis’s statement has exposed the leadership crisis within the Congress and NCP and has raised questions about their ability to take on the BJP at the national level.


The political drama in Maharashtra continues to unfold, and Fadnavis’s statement about Congress and NCP’s dependence on Uddhav Thackeray has added a new dimension to the ongoing controversy. The statement has highlighted the leadership crisis within the Congress and NCP and has raised questions about their ability to take on the BJP and Shiv Sena. The controversy surrounding Uddhav Thackeray’s leadership has also exposed the fissures within the Shiv Sena and has given the BJP an opportunity to expand its footprint in the state.

In conclusion, Fadnavis’s statement has exposed the fault lines in Maharashtra politics and has set the stage for a fierce battle between the various political parties. It remains to be seen how the Congress and NCP will respond to these allegations and whether they will be able to find a leader who can take on the BJP and Shiv Sena.

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