Debahuty Bora: A Creative Journey Through Fashion and Handmade Art

Debahuty Bora is a wonderful example of how to combine business acumen with creative flare in an era where passion and career collide. She is evidence of the power of pursuing your passions alongside your career. As we started our conversation, she gave more insights about her background and upbringing, “I grew up in a quaint town called Duliajan in Assam, renowned for its association with the oil industry and surrounded by lush greenery and a vibrant tapestry of art and culture. My mother, an athlete and skilled artist, instilled in me a love for creativity, whether it be crafting outfits from scratch or creating beautiful fabric paintings. My creative inclinations are a blend of my mother’s ingenuity and my father’s fervour for art and culture.” Throughout her childhood, Debahuty gravitated towards the arts and would often craft handmade gifts. Debahuty’s childhood was a canvas of inspiration. “When we moved to Delhi due to my father’s work, I delved into the domain of Human Resources, driven by a deep passion for people, organizational strategies, and talent management. Art has always been my fervour, something I am deeply passionate about. It serves as my stress reliever, and I find balance by nurturing both my artistic pursuits and my professional endeavors.”

While her professional life flourished, a creative undercurrent always ran through Bora’s life. She shared her experience of starting her clothing brand, “The idea for her clothing brand, Piply, was sparked by a friend in Mumbai. The label aimed to avoid bulk production and focus on a few pieces per collection. The label was popular due to its Ikat fabric and simple yet elegant designs. The label continued until when I had to move to Singapore. Despite my challenges of managing the entire label from fabric sourcing to design, to overseeing tailors and organizing photoshoots, the label gained popularity. The label’s success was only due to the support of my friends & family. With no formal training in fashion, seeing the label grow instilled in me immense confidence” She said with pride.

“I faced challenges in balancing HR work and art. One of the most challenging was doing the website work and putting up everything on the website. I used to have a social media team at one point, but somehow I felt that the aesthetic was not matching what they were doing in terms of my media post, and what I wanted out of it was very different, leading to me handling my social media page independently.” She spoke.

Debahuty also ventured into the world of handmade Amigurumi toys. She revealed the spark for creative pursuit, “I have always been fascinated by crochet and began learning during COVID-19 through YouTube and online courses, and made blankets, sweaters, and bags. It was only when a friend suggested I make a toy for her twins that I tried making Amigurumi toys, and since then, I have been hooked on creating them. I find it very fascinating. I follow patterns to create these toys, which take me around three to four days to complete.”

Like every entrepreneur, Debahuty also faced a lot of difficulties in managing her label and with her Amigurumi toys brand, Lony’s Moonchild. “People often underestimate the effort and value of handmade toy creations. I initially sold toys at low prices, but after researching, I raised the cost. People say that it’s expensive, but they don’t understand what effort goes into making one toy and also the material cost.”

Debahuty’s Amigurumi toys set themselves apart from other gifts due to their exceptional uniqueness.  When asked about what makes her toys and clothing line stand out, she emphasized, “These toys are meticulously crafted by hand, using 100% cotton yarns to ensure they are safe and gentle for children to play with, avoiding any potential irritations. As for my clothing line, Piply, it distinguishes itself through a strong focus on Ikat fabric and minimalistic designs, an area that only a few Indian labels prioritize. I firmly believe that fashion doesn’t have to be complicated. Therefore, I concentrate on creating simple silhouettes and everyday designs for women, with a strong emphasis on minimizing waste. I transform leftover fabrics into various items like hairbands, bed sheets, and pillow covers to promote sustainable practices.” This approach not only promotes sustainability but also the idea of upcycling and reducing waste. Debahuty added, “I strongly believe in recycling and upcycling to minimize waste. I have donated fabrics to those in need, who have utilized them to create garments for the underprivileged.” Demonstrating her unwavering commitment to sustainability and reducing wastage, she takes immense pride in her efforts.

Debahuty was raised in a small family of just two individuals, herself and her sister. In this household, they were consistently encouraged to be financially independent and to excel in all aspects of life. They were taught that they could achieve anything and that there were no limitations based on their gender. Debahuty’s family, particularly the women in her extended family, serve as exemplary figures in this regard, achieving remarkable success in their chosen fields. This upbringing fostered an environment where gender equality was embraced and female empowerment was encouraged, leading to the remarkable accomplishments of the women in her family.

Debahuty is getting ready to make her move to Qatar and embarking on a new artistic venture. Her goal is to continue nurturing her brand, Lony’s Moonchild, which specializes in Amigurumi toys, as well as diving into the realm of digital illustrations. With her passion for sustainable fashion and art, Debahuty is leaving an unforgettable impression as she brings her creations to life through both traditional and digital mediums. 

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  4. ## Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed AntiBot Verification ##
    Привет! Хочу рассказать о том, как портал помог мне в непредвиденной ситуации. Недавно я столкнулся с тем, что нужно было срочно оплатить коммунальные услуги, а денег на это не хватало. В такие моменты займы на карту становятся настоящим спасением! Благодаря порталу, я обнаружил много МФО, готовых выдать займы даже людям с плохой кредитной историей. Без лишних проверок и заморочек. Благодаря этому я смог оперативно решить проблему с оплатой и избежать неприятных последствий. Кстати, на этом же сайте я нашел много полезной информации о том, как получить займ, какие требования у МФО к заемщику и советы по оформлению заявки на микрокредит. Очень удобно!

  5. ## Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed AntiBot Verification ##
    Привет! Мы все время слышим о займах, но многие не знают, как их правильно использовать. Займы – это не только способ получить деньги на что-то нужное прямо сейчас, но и ответственность перед кредитором. Портал предоставляет возможность получить займы от различных МФО, но важно помнить о том, что заем нужно брать ответственно. Перед тем как брать заем, необходимо обдумать цель займа, выяснить свои финансовые возможности для его погашения и узнать все условия займа. Таким образом, правильное использование займов поможет вам справиться с финансовыми трудностями и добиться желаемых целей.

  6. ## Comment SPAM Protection: Shield Security marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed AntiBot Verification ##
    Малый бизнес играет важную роль в экономическом развитии страны. Займы от различных МФО предоставляют предпринимателям возможность получить финансовую поддержку для развития своего бизнеса. Этот вид финансирования является особенно важным для начинающих предпринимателей, которые еще не имеют доступа к традиционным банковским кредитам. Портал является платформой, которая связывает предпринимателей и МФО, облегчая процесс получения займов и способствуя развитию малого бизнеса в стране.

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    7. Простота и Понятность

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    8. Постоянное Развитие

    Мы не останавливаемся на достигнутом и каждый день трудимся над улучшением наших услуг. Ваши отзывы и предложения – наш значительный источник вдохновения. Вместе с вами мы строим успешное будущее.

    Выбирая наши услуги, вы делаете шаг к ублажению собственных необходимостей и достижению успеха в различных аспектах жизни. Доверьтесь нам, и мы создадим все возможное, дабы устроить ваш опыт пользования нашим сайтом незабвенным.

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