Free 300 units of electricity guarantee completes a year: 90% household in state had ‘zero bill’, says Mann


Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Sunday said that free 300 units of power scheme had completed one year in the state and would continue in the coming years.

Congratulating people on completion of one year for the guarantee, Mann said that it has immensely benefited every section of the society. In a statement, the CM said that the state government had on July 1 last year launched the guarantee to provide free power to the people. He said that since then 90 per cent of the households in the state are getting free power and have got zero power bill since last July.

Mann said that it is matter of immense pride and satisfaction that along with domestic consumers, the food growers of the country are also getting free and uninterrupted power in the state.

He added that farmers are getting more than eight hours of power supply without any cut. He said that the elated farmers are sharing the videos regarding this and expressing gratitude to the state government. He said the government has paid subsidy worth Rs 20,200 crore to PSPCL.

Mann said that this has not been made possible by taking loans, as done by previous governments, but by checking pilferages and corruption. He said that due to concerted efforts of the state government supply of coal from Pachwara coal mine that was stopped has been resumed after 2015. He said that earlier governments had stalled supply from this coal mine to mint money illegally from the private thermal plants.

The Chief Minister said that for the first time in history of state, Punjab has coal stock of 43 days whereas earlier threat of blackout loomed large in state during earlier regimes. He said that though across the country governments were selling government properties to fetch money but Punjab government has started reverse trend by purchasing a private thermal plant. Mann said that industry is being provided uninterrupted power even during the ongoing paddy season.

He announced that the state government is setting up a 206 MG hydro power project in Pathankot on Ravi river to check the pilferage of water. He said that this water will be used judiciously for irrigating the fields of the state besides generating power.

The CM said that due to the efforts of state government canal water has reached at the tail end in villages which has reduced burden on tube wells thereby considerably saving power and ground water. He said that the state government is committed for carving out a rangla Punjab for which every Punjabi should play a proactive role. He said that Punjab had been a harbinger of green revolution and now the state will show a new way to entire country in every sector.


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