Guiding Light: The Search For Bliss


The Divine has given you all the small pleasures in the world, but has kept the bliss to him. To get the highest bliss you have to go to Him and Him alone. If your prayers are not answered it is because you have never given quality time. Usually, you give the time that is leftover, when you have nothing else to do. Give Satsang and meditation your highest priority. Give prime time to the Divine.

Eternal Wait

Have ‘eternal wait,’ infinite patience. Either through awareness or through practice you reach the same spot. The Divinity belongs to you. It’s not like shopping at the supermarket in a hurry and rushing back home. Your hurry to get something throws you off balance and makes you small. When you know you are part of the divine plan, you stop demanding. Then you know everything is being done for you. You are taken care of. Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula.

Strange are the ways of karma. The more you understand it, the more amazed you become. It brings people together and separates them. It causes some to be weak and some to be strong. It makes some rich and some poor. The entire struggle in the world, whatever it may be, is the bondage of karma. It cuts across all logic and reasoning and helps you in your journey to the Self.

2 Types of Karma

Only human life has the ability to be free from karma. And only a few thousands aim to be free from it. Only through Grace can the bondage of karma be burnt. Prarabdha karma cannot be changed. Sanchitha karma can be changed by spiritual practices. Satsang burns the seed of all negative karma. When you praise someone, you take on their good karma. When you blame someone you take on their bad karma. Know this and surrender both good and bad karma to the Divine and be free.

Attachments cause feverish breath and takes away peace of mind. Then you are in pieces and fall prey to misery. Before you get scattered too much, gather yourself and rid your breath of the feverishness through surrender and sadhana. Go to the cool place of silence within. When someone is drowning in the ocean of attachments, surrender is the life jacket they can put on. Your first step is directing your attachment to the Knowledge, to the Divine. Your non-attachment to the mundane is your charm. Your attachment to the Divine is your beauty. If you follow fun, misery follows you; if you follow knowledge, fun follows you!

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