Hindutva’s Killing Fields: Science is Latest Target in Textbook Revisions

Hindutva’s agenda to rewrite history and textbooks has taken a new turn, with the latest target being science. In this article, we delve into the implications of this dangerous trend.
Material on evolution has been removed from Class 9 and 10 science textbooks, and even a box on Darwin has been eliminated.
Material on evolution has been removed from Class 9 and 10 science textbooks, and even a box on Darwin has been eliminated.


In recent years, the Hindutva movement in India has been pushing for a radical overhaul of the education system, with the aim of promoting a narrow and exclusionary version of Indian history and culture. One of the key strategies in this effort has been the revision of textbooks to reflect a distorted and divisive view of India’s past.

Hindutva’s Killing Fields: Science is Latest Target in Textbook Revisions is the latest manifestation of this agenda. In an attempt to impose their ideology on young minds, Hindutva groups are targeting science textbooks with a view to erasing scientific discoveries and theories that conflict with their worldview.

In this article, we will explore the implications of this dangerous trend and the ways in which it is likely to impact the education system and the future of scientific research in India.

The Targeting of Science Textbooks

The Hindutva groups have been targeting science textbooks for some time now, but the intensity of their efforts has increased in recent years. Their primary objective is to promote their own understanding of science, which is often based on mythology and religious texts, at the expense of scientific facts and theories.

This has resulted in the removal of important scientific discoveries and theories from textbooks, or their distortion to fit with the Hindutva worldview. For example, some textbooks have removed references to the discovery of the heliocentric model of the solar system by Copernicus and Galileo, and replaced it with the claim that the sun moves around the earth.

Similarly, the theory of evolution has been challenged, and in some cases, removed altogether from textbooks. This is despite the fact that evolution is a well-established scientific theory supported by extensive evidence.

Implications for Education

The implications of the Hindutva’s Killing Fields: Science is Latest Target in Textbook Revisions for education are dire. By promoting a distorted and exclusionary view of science, Hindutva groups are undermining the very foundations of scientific research and discovery.

Young minds are being deprived of the opportunity to learn about the scientific advances that have shaped our world, and are being fed a narrow and inaccurate version of scientific knowledge. This not only harms the education of Indian students but also has broader implications for the future of scientific research in India.

If students are not taught the basics of scientific inquiry and discovery, they will be ill-equipped to contribute to scientific research in the future. This could have a devastating impact on India’s ability to compete in the global knowledge economy.

The Danger of Distorting Science

The danger of distorting science goes beyond the implications for education and scientific research. Hindutva groups are using their revisionist agenda to further their political and social goals, which are often based on exclusion and bigotry.

By distorting scientific knowledge to fit their own worldview, Hindutva groups are promoting a narrow and divisive understanding of India’s past and culture. This has the potential to further polarize Indian society and fuel social and political conflict.

Furthermore, by promoting a version of science that is based on mythology and religious texts, Hindutva groups are undermining the very idea of scientific inquiry and discovery. This threatens the foundations of modern science, which is based on the principles of empirical observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning.


The Hindutva’s Killing Fields: Science is Latest Target in Textbook Revisions is a dangerous trend that threatens the foundations of scientific research and discovery in India. By promoting a narrow and exclusionary understanding of science, Hindutva groups are depriving young minds of the opportunity to learn about the scientific advances that have shaped our world.

This trend also has broader implications for the future of Indian society, with the potential to further polarize and divide communities. It is important for educators, scientists, and concerned citizens to speak out against this dangerous trend and advocate for a more inclusive and accurate understanding of scientific knowledge in Indian textbooks. Only then can India’s future as a global knowledge economy be secured.


Q: What is Hindutva? A: Hindutva is a right-wing Hindu nationalist ideology that seeks to establish India as a Hindu state and promote a narrow and exclusionary view of Indian history and culture.

Q: How is the Hindutva movement revising textbooks? A: The Hindutva movement is revising textbooks to promote their own understanding of Indian history and culture, often based on mythology and religious texts. This involves the removal of important historical facts and figures and the distortion of scientific discoveries and theories.

Q: What are the implications of this trend for scientific research in India? A: The implications are dire for scientific research in India. By promoting a distorted and exclusionary view of science, Hindutva groups are undermining the very foundations of scientific research and discovery. This could have a devastating impact on India’s ability to compete in the global knowledge economy.

Q: What can be done to counter this trend? A: It is important for educators, scientists, and concerned citizens to speak out against the distortion of scientific knowledge and the revisionist agenda of the Hindutva movement. This can be done through public education campaigns, advocacy, and legal action.

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