In A Rare Spectacle, Amid Heavy Showers Peacock Makes Appearance At Churchgate Station


Mumbai News: In A Rare Spectacle, Amid Heavy Showers Peacock Makes Appearance At Churchgate Station |

Churchgate station, one of Mumbai’s busiest railway hubs, was treated to a rare spectacle yesterday evening as a magnificent peacock made an unexpected appearance. The vibrant and majestic bird captivated commuters and passersby, adding a touch of natural beauty to the bustling urban setting.

Eyewitness stated that peacock was spotted strolling near station area

Eyewitnesses reported that the peacock was first spotted gracefully strolling near the station area, seemingly undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of the railway station. Its striking plumage, featuring an array of iridescent blues and greens, caught the attention of startled onlookers who quickly reached for their smartphones to capture the extraordinary sight.

“As if aware of its captive audience, the peacock then decided to elevate the spectacle by perching atop the Overhead Equipment (OHE) mast. Balancing with poise on the high structure, the bird appeared at ease, surveying its temporary kingdom while a mesmerized crowd gathered below” said an eyewitness.

Word of peacock’s appearance went viral

Word of the unexpected visitor spread rapidly through social media. Churchgate station, renowned for its historic architecture and bustling railway operations, had never witnessed such a unique and colorful guest.

“As night fell over Churchgate station, the peacock melted back into the darkness, leaving behind a memorable tale of an unexpected encounter. While the appearance of a peacock at Churchgate station was certainly an unusual occurrence, it serves as a poignant reminder that nature can surprise and delight us in the most unexpected places” said another eyewitness.

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