India To Get Its First Apple Official Store In Mumbai

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India is set to get its first official Apple store in Mumbai, a move that has been highly anticipated by Apple fans and technology enthusiasts across the country. The news has been confirmed by Apple CEO Tim Cook, who announced the company’s plans to expand its presence in India during a visit to the country in 2016.

The Apple store will be located in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) and is expected to open its doors to the public in early 2022. The store will offer a wide range of Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and Apple Watches, as well as a range of accessories and services.

The opening of the Apple store in Mumbai is a significant milestone for the company, which has been trying to increase its market share in India for several years. Despite being the world’s second-largest smartphone market, India has been a challenging market for Apple, with the company struggling to gain a foothold due to a range of factors, including high import duties and local manufacturing requirements.

However, Apple has been making significant strides in India in recent years, with the company launching a range of initiatives designed to increase its presence in the country. These initiatives include the launch of a dedicated online store in India in 2020, which allows customers to purchase Apple products directly from the company’s website, as well as the introduction of affordable iPhones and financing options.

The opening of the official Apple store in Mumbai is expected to further boost the company’s presence in India, with the store likely to attract a large number of Apple fans and customers looking to purchase the latest Apple products. The store is also expected to serve as a hub for Apple’s operations in India, with the company likely to use the store as a base for launching new products and services in the country.

Overall, the opening of the official Apple store in Mumbai is a significant development for the company and is likely to further increase its market share in India. With the country’s economy growing rapidly and an increasing number of consumers adopting technology, India is a key market for Apple, and the company’s expansion in the country is likely to continue in the coming years.

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