Indian govt officially recognises E-sports as part of ‘multi-sport’ event

The Indian government has officially recognized e-sports as a part of “multi-sport” events. This move is a significant step towards the recognition and legitimization of e-sports in India.

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has included e-sports in its annual recognition list of sports disciplines. This means that e-sports will now be eligible for government funding and support, as well as participation in national and international events.

This decision is a positive development for the Indian e-sports community, which has been striving for recognition and support from the government and mainstream sports organizations. E-sports has been rapidly growing in popularity in India, with an estimated 300 million gamers across the country.

The inclusion of e-sports in multi-sport events will also help to promote the sport and encourage more people to take it up. It will also provide a platform for talented gamers to showcase their skills and compete at a national and international level.

India is not the first country to recognize e-sports as a legitimate sport. Many countries, including the United States, China, and South Korea, have already recognized e-sports as a sport and have even included it in their national sports programs.

The recognition of e-sports as a sport in India is a positive step towards the mainstream acceptance of gaming and e-sports. It has the potential to bring in more investment, sponsorship, and opportunities for gamers in India. It will also help to break down the stereotypes and stigma associated with gaming and provide a more inclusive and diverse platform for all gamers.

In conclusion, the official recognition of e-sports by the Indian government is a significant milestone for the e-sports community in India. It will provide much-needed support and recognition for the sport and encourage more people to take it up. It is a positive step towards the mainstream acceptance and legitimization of e-sports as a legitimate sport.

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