Indore Emerges as Best Smart City at National Smart Cities Conclave 2023


In a triumphant moment for the city of Indore, it has been declared the ‘Best Smart City’ in India at the National Smart Cities Conclave 2023, following its remarkable five-time win as the cleanest city. The prestigious accolade was presented by President Droupadi Murmu during the fourth edition of the India Smart Cities Award Contest (ISAC) 2022. This event, organized under the aegis of the Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, has been pivotal in recognizing and rewarding the nation’s most innovative and progressive urban development projects.

The journey of Indore from being acclaimed as the cleanest city to securing the top position as the ‘Best Smart City’ in India is a testament to the city’s unwavering commitment to sustainable urban development and technological advancement. The National Smart Cities Conclave 2023, held within the city, served as a fitting platform to honor the remarkable strides made by Indore.

Gujarat’s Surat secured a commendable second place, while Agra in Uttar Pradesh clinched the third position among the ranks of India’s smart cities. In the overall state category, Madhya Pradesh was adjudged the Best State in the country, closely followed by Tamil Nadu. The joint third position in the state rankings was shared by Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

Addressing the audience at the awards ceremony, President Droupadi Murmu expressed her delight at the substantial increase in India’s investment in urban development over the past decade. She emphasized the pivotal role played by the Smart Cities Mission in ushering in best practices and fostering sustainable business models. Her words underscored the mission’s significance in reshaping India’s urban landscape.

“Our country’s overall investment in urban development has, over the last decade, been more than 10 times what it was earlier. The contribution of the Smart Cities Mission in implementing best practices and developing viable business models is very important,” President Murmu remarked, highlighting the mission’s remarkable impact on India’s urbanization efforts.

Indore’s journey to becoming the Best Smart City in India has been characterized by a series of innovative initiatives and strategic planning. The city has leveraged technology to enhance the quality of life for its residents, promote sustainability, and streamline urban services.

  1. Smart Waste Management: Building on its reputation as the cleanest city, Indore implemented cutting-edge waste management solutions that use IoT devices and sensors to optimize waste collection routes, reducing operational costs and environmental impact.
  2. Digital Governance: Indore embraced e-governance, making government services accessible online to citizens. This initiative has improved transparency and efficiency in public service delivery.
  3. Green Initiatives: The city has undertaken extensive tree plantation drives and urban greenery projects to combat pollution and promote a healthier environment.
  4. Smart Transportation: Indore has invested in smart transportation solutions, including a modern bus rapid transit system and initiatives to promote cycling and walking.
  5. Citizen Engagement: The city actively involves its residents in decision-making processes through digital platforms, ensuring that their voices are heard in matters of urban development.

Indore’s success as the Best Smart City in India reflects the city’s unwavering commitment to creating a sustainable, technologically advanced, and livable urban environment. The accolade is a testament to the dedication of the city’s administration and its citizens to building a better future for all. As the National Smart Cities Conclave 2023 came to a close, Indore stood tall as a beacon of smart urbanization and innovation, inspiring other cities across India to follow suit in their quest for progress and excellence.

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