Microsoft Edge users under ‘risk’, Indian government issues warning

Microsoft Edge users under 'risk', Indian government issues warning
Microsoft Edge users under ‘risk’, Indian government issues warning

Microsoft Edge is one of the most used web browsers across the globe. It has the second largest market share right in the web browser segment after Google Chrome. Over the last couple of years, the tech giant has been pushing Windows users to stay on the pre-installed browser with creative pop-ups, new design and features. As our dependency on the internet is increasing each day, we are forced to share more and more of our personal information including banking details, date of birth, location and others. To keep the users safe, Microsoft rolls out security updates for the edge browser from time to time. Although tech companies recommend users to run the latest version of their browser, a few users opt to run the older for ease of use but it’s worth noting that older versions of browsers are easier to exploit. A few such vulnerabilities have been spotted in the Microsoft Edge browsers and the Indian government has issued a warning for users Edge browser version prior to 109.0.1518.78.

The Indian government has recently issued a warning to Microsoft Edge users, stating that they are under risk and urging them to switch to a safer web browser. This warning comes after the discovery of several security vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Edge browser that could potentially expose users to various forms of cyberattacks.

Microsoft Edge is a web browser developed by Microsoft and was launched in 2015 as a replacement for the Internet Explorer. It has been designed to provide users with a faster and more secure browsing experience, but recent reports suggest otherwise. According to the Indian government’s warning, these security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Edge could potentially allow hackers to gain access to sensitive information such as passwords, bank account details, and personal information.

One of the major security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Edge is its lack of protection against phishing attacks. Phishing is a type of cyberattack where hackers trick users into giving away their personal information by creating fake websites that look identical to legitimate ones. Microsoft Edge does not have built-in protection against phishing attacks, which makes it easy for hackers to trick users into giving away their sensitive information.

Another issue with Microsoft Edge is its outdated security protocols. The browser uses outdated security protocols that can easily be bypassed by hackers, leaving users exposed to various types of cyberattacks. This is particularly concerning because many users do not realize that their browser is using outdated security protocols and continue to use the browser without any additional measures to protect themselves.

The Indian government’s warning is a wake-up call for Microsoft Edge users to take their online security seriously. It is recommended that users switch to a safer web browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, which have better security features and are less likely to be affected by cyberattacks. These browsers have built-in protection against phishing attacks, regularly update their security protocols, and offer additional security features such as secure password managers and real-time malware protection.

Microsoft Edge users are at risk and should take the Indian government’s warning seriously. The discovery of several security vulnerabilities in the browser highlights the importance of using a safe and secure web browser to protect personal information from cyberattacks. It is recommended that users switch to a safer web browser and take additional measures to protect themselves online, such as regularly updating their security software and being cautious when sharing personal information online.

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