New Delhi to host the first international conference on Shared Buddhist Heritage.

The first-ever international conference on “Shared Buddhist Heritage” is set to take place on March 14-15 at the Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The conference will focus on India’s cultural ties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) nations, bringing together Central Asian, East Asian, South Asian, and Arab countries to discuss their “Shared Buddhist Heritage.” India, as the leader of the SCO, is organizing the two-day event, which is being jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of External Affairs, and the International Buddhist Confederation. Several Indian scholars of Buddhism will also participate in the conference, and participants will have the opportunity to tour some of Delhi’s historical sites.

The conference aims to re-establish trans-cultural links and find common ground between the Buddhist art of Central Asia, art styles, archaeological sites, and antiquities in various museums’ collections of the SCO countries. It seeks to explore the similarities and differences between these cultures and to find ways to strengthen the age-old bonds between them. The conference is a unique opportunity for countries from different geographical regions but with a common thread connecting them to come together and discuss various themes, chalking out ways to continue the age-old bonds into the future.

The conference is significant as it highlights the significance of Buddhism as a cultural link between countries. It demonstrates the importance of building cultural ties and promoting understanding and cooperation between countries. The conference aims to showcase the role of Buddhism in shaping the cultural heritage of the SCO countries and to highlight the shared heritage and culture of these countries. It will also focus on the contribution of Buddhism to literature, art, and architecture in the region.

The conference is a tribute to the shared cultural heritage of these countries and is a step towards strengthening cultural ties and promoting peaceful coexistence. It is an opportunity for these countries to showcase their cultural heritage and to learn from each other. It also provides an opportunity for scholars and experts to share their knowledge and insights and to promote cross-cultural understanding.

The international conference on Shared Buddhist Heritage is an important event that brings together countries from different geographical regions to explore their shared cultural heritage. The conference aims to promote understanding and cooperation between these countries and to strengthen the bonds that have existed for centuries. It provides an opportunity for these countries to showcase their cultural heritage and to learn from each other, promoting peaceful coexistence and cross-cultural understanding. The conference is a testament to the significance of Buddhism as a cultural link between countries and highlights the importance of building cultural ties for promoting peace and prosperity in the region.

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