Passkeys over passwords are Google’s latest move in enhancing online security for safer login.


Google has made a significant step forward in online security by introducing “passkeys” as a safer and simpler way to log into its services. The new feature is designed to replace passwords and texted confirmation codes, which can be easy targets for hackers and can also be forgotten by users. Instead, users’ identities will be verified on trusted devices such as their phone or computer by a PIN code, biometrics such as a fingerprint or face scan, or by a physical security dongle.

Passkeys are unique to specific websites and cannot be used across multiple platforms. This ensures that a compromised password from one website cannot be used to access another website. Google has designed passkeys to work with a range of devices, including iPhones, Macs, Windows computers, and Android phones.

Passwords are notoriously easy to hack, as they are often easy-to-recall phrases, which are vulnerable to human error. In addition, passwords can be compromised in security breaches, meaning that even stronger passwords may not be enough to protect users. Passkeys offer a solution to this problem, as they are more secure and less vulnerable to hacking attempts.

To start using passkeys, users must first enable the feature for their Google account. This can be done by signing into the account on a trusted device and visiting the page. From there, users can create a passkey and connect it to their device. Android phones are automatically ready to use passkeys, although users must still enable the function first.

Once passkeys are enabled, users will no longer need to enter their password to log into Google. Instead, they will be asked to provide a fingerprint, face scan, or PIN code, depending on the device they are using. The passkey feature will also be specific to the website being accessed, making it more secure against hacking attempts.

The introduction of passkeys is a significant step forward for online security, as it provides a safer and more user-friendly alternative to passwords. While password managers are useful tools for creating and storing complex passwords, they still require users to remember a master password, which can be vulnerable to hacking attempts. Passkeys offer a more straightforward solution that is less vulnerable to human error and security breaches.

Overall, Google’s move toward passkeys is a positive development for online security. As more users adopt this feature, it could pave the way for other companies to follow suit, making passwords an outdated and unnecessary security measure.

As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is increasingly important for individuals and organizations to take steps to secure their online accounts. The use of passkeys is one such step that can significantly improve online security.

Google’s move towards passkeys is a major step in the right direction. With the help of passkeys, users can have a simpler and more secure way to log into their accounts. Passkeys work with a variety of devices, making it accessible to a wider range of users. This means that users can easily use passkeys on their smartphones, laptops, or desktop computers, regardless of the operating system.

Passkeys also provide a higher level of security compared to passwords. Passwords can be easily stolen, guessed or cracked using various hacking techniques. Passkeys, on the other hand, are more secure as they are specific to a particular website or service. Therefore, if a hacker manages to steal a passkey from one website, they will not be able to use it to access other services or websites.

In addition, passkeys provide an additional layer of security against phishing attacks. Scammers often use fake websites that mimic legitimate ones to trick users into entering their login details.

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