PM Modi Forecasts India’s Ascent to Top 3 Global Economies by 2028 on Independence Day

PM Modi

Addressing the nation on the occasion of India’s 77th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a bold vision for the nation’s economic future. Reflecting on India’s remarkable progress, he announced that the country, which was ranked 10th in the world economy in 2014, has ascended to the fifth position. Buoyed by anti-corruption efforts and a resilient economy, PM Modi confidently projected that India will not only continue to rise but will also become one of the world’s top three economies within the next five years.

In his 10th consecutive Independence Day speech from the iconic Red Fort, PM Modi attributed India’s economic transformation to the collective efforts of its 1.4 billion citizens. He stated, “When we came to power in 2014, we were at the 10th position in the global economic system. Today, with the efforts of 140 Crore Indians, we have reached the fifth position.” Highlighting the significance of this achievement, he emphasized that it was a result of dedicated measures to curb corruption and bolster the nation’s economic foundations.

Underscoring the principle of “Nation First” as the cornerstone of his government’s policies, PM Modi noted the stable and strong governance that emerged from the 2014 and 2019 elections. This stability, he asserted, liberated India from the era of instability that had previously hindered its growth trajectory.

Confident in India’s continued progress, the Prime Minister drew attention to the recognition received from international rating agencies. He drew parallels to the emergence of a new world order following World War II, stating, “As new world order emerged after World War, I can see a new world order taking shape after COVID-19.”

PM Modi’s optimism extended to his projection for India’s future. Expressing a firm belief that India would be a developed nation by its 100th year of freedom in 2047, he expressed his confidence in the nation’s capabilities and available resources. However, he also underscored the necessity of confronting what he termed the “three evils” – Corruption, Dynasty, and Appeasement.

Assuring the nation of its trajectory, the Prime Minister outlined his vision of India’s economic prowess. “I firmly believe that when the country will celebrate 100 years of freedom in 2047, the country would be a developed India…But the need of the hour is to fight three evils – Corruption, Dynasty, and Appeasement,” PM Modi proclaimed.

Moreover, he announced an ambitious goal for India’s global economic standing. “I firmly believe that in the next five years, India will be counted among the top three economies of the world.” This declaration echoes his earlier sentiments of India’s remarkable potential and resilience.

PM Modi concluded his address by celebrating the accomplishments of his government, which he described as one that consistently meets set goals. He used the example of the expeditious construction of a new Parliament building, contrasting it with the decades-long discussions that preceded it. In his characteristic style, he lauded the spirit of the “New India” – one brimming with self-confidence and a relentless pursuit of progress.

In sum, PM Modi’s Independence Day address was marked by a resolute belief in India’s potential and its capacity to overcome challenges. His proclamation of India’s ascent to the top echelons of the global economy stands as a testament to his vision for a prosperous and transformative future.

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