PM Modi to address Global Buddhist Summit on April 20: Boosting India’s Ties with Buddhist Countries

PM Modi will deliver a keynote address at the Global Buddhist Summit on April 20. The summit aims to enhance India’s relations with Buddhist countries.


PM Modi is all set to address the Global Buddhist Summit on April 20, which aims to strengthen India’s relations with Buddhist countries across the world. This summit is an important step towards promoting peace, harmony, and goodwill among nations.

India has a deep-rooted connection with Buddhism, with the religion having originated in the country. PM Modi’s address to the summit will not only highlight India’s commitment to Buddhism but also showcase the country’s efforts in promoting peace and non-violence around the world.

The summit will bring together leaders and representatives from over 50 countries, making it a significant platform for discussing issues related to Buddhism and its role in shaping the world.

In this article, we will discuss the significance of PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit and how it will help in boosting India’s ties with Buddhist countries.

Why is PM Modi’s Address at the Global Buddhist Summit Important?

PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit is significant for several reasons. Let’s take a look at them.

Promoting India’s Buddhist Heritage

India has a rich Buddhist heritage, and the country has played a significant role in spreading the teachings of Buddha across the world. By addressing the Global Buddhist Summit, PM Modi will highlight India’s contribution to the growth and spread of Buddhism.

This will not only promote India’s cultural heritage but also strengthen the country’s relations with Buddhist countries across the world.

Boosting India’s Ties with Buddhist Countries

The Global Buddhist Summit provides a platform for India to strengthen its ties with Buddhist countries. By participating in the summit, India will have an opportunity to showcase its efforts in promoting peace and harmony among nations.

The summit will also help in promoting cultural exchanges between India and other countries, which can further enhance bilateral relations.

The Global Buddhist Summit will focus on several issues related to Buddhism, including the promotion of peace, harmony, and non-violence. PM Modi’s address will provide insights into India’s approach towards these issues and its efforts in promoting them across the world.

This will help in highlighting India’s role as a global leader in promoting peace and non-violence.

Promoting Regional Cooperation

The Global Buddhist Summit will bring together leaders and representatives from over 50 countries, providing an excellent opportunity for regional cooperation. By addressing the summit, PM Modi will emphasize the importance of regional cooperation and its role in promoting peace and harmony.

This will help in promoting regional integration and enhancing India’s relations with other countries in the region.

What Can We Expect from PM Modi’s Address at the Global Buddhist Summit?

PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit is expected to cover several topics related to Buddhism and its role in shaping the world. Some of the key points that PM Modi is likely to focus on include:

India’s Contributions to Buddhism

PM Modi is likely to highlight India’s contributions to the growth and spread of Buddhism across the world. This will include a discussion on India’s rich Buddhist heritage and its efforts in promoting the religion globally.

India’s Approach Towards Peace and Non-Violence

PM Modi is expected to discuss India’s approach towards promoting peace, harmony, and non-violence across the world. This will highlight India’s role as a global leader in promoting these values and its efforts in promoting them through its foreign policy.

India’s Relations with Buddhist Countries

PM Modi is likely to emphasize India’s commitment to strengthening its ties with Buddhist countries across the world. This will include a discussion on India’s efforts in promoting cultural exchanges, economic cooperation, and people-to-people contacts with these countries.

India’s Role in Promoting Regional Cooperation

PM Modi is expected to highlight the importance of regional cooperation and its role in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. This will include a discussion on India’s efforts in promoting regional connectivity, trade, and economic integration with other countries in the region.

India’s Vision for a Peaceful and Prosperous World

PM Modi is likely to discuss India’s vision for a peaceful and prosperous world, which is based on the principles of peace, non-violence, and mutual respect. This will include a discussion on India’s commitment to multilateralism, international cooperation, and the promotion of a rules-based global order.


PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit on April 20 is an important event that will help in promoting India’s relations with Buddhist countries across the world. By participating in the summit, India will have an opportunity to showcase its rich Buddhist heritage, promote regional cooperation, and highlight its efforts in promoting peace and non-violence.

PM Modi’s address is expected to cover several important topics related to Buddhism, India’s contributions to the religion, its approach towards peace and non-violence, its relations with Buddhist countries, and its vision for a peaceful and prosperous world. This will provide an excellent opportunity for India to showcase its leadership in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world.


Q. What is the Global Buddhist Summit?

A. The Global Buddhist Summit is an international event that brings together leaders and representatives from over 50 countries to discuss issues related to Buddhism and its role in shaping the world.

Q. Why is PM Modi addressing the Global Buddhist Summit?

A. PM Modi is addressing the Global Buddhist Summit to promote India’s rich Buddhist heritage, strengthen India’s ties with Buddhist countries, and highlight India’s efforts in promoting peace and non-violence around the world.

Q. What can we expect from PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit?

A. PM Modi’s address at the Global Buddhist Summit is expected to cover several topics related to Buddhism, India’s contributions to the growth and spread of Buddhism, India’s approach towards peace and non-violence, India’s relations with Buddhist countries, and India’s vision for a peaceful and prosperous world.

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