Rahul Gandhi gets relief in ‘Modi surname’ case as Patna HC stays lower court’s order

The Patna High Court has stayed the lower court’s order in the ‘Modi surname’ case against Rahul Gandhi, providing relief to the Congress leader. Learn more about the case and its implications in this article.


In a significant relief to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, the Patna High Court has stayed the lower court’s order in the ‘Modi surname’ case. The order came after Gandhi’s legal team moved the High Court challenging the order of the lower court, which had issued summons against him in connection with the case.

The case pertains to a complaint filed by one Rajesh Modi, who had accused Rahul Gandhi of making derogatory remarks against him and his family during an election rally in Katihar, Bihar, in April 2019. Modi had alleged that Gandhi had said “why all thieves have Modi as their common surname?” during the rally.

The lower court had issued summons against Rahul Gandhi, directing him to appear before it on May 20, 2021. However, the High Court’s order has put a stay on the lower court’s order, providing relief to the Congress leader.

Let’s take a closer look at the case and its implications.

The Background

The ‘Modi surname’ remark was made by Rahul Gandhi during an election rally in Katihar, Bihar, in April 2019. The rally was held as part of Gandhi’s campaign for the Lok Sabha elections that year.

During the rally, Gandhi had attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government over a host of issues, including unemployment, farmer distress, and corruption. However, it was his ‘Modi surname’ remark that had grabbed headlines and had become a major talking point in the media.

The remark had triggered a controversy, with many BJP leaders and supporters accusing Gandhi of making derogatory remarks against the entire Modi community. However, Gandhi had later clarified that he had made the remark in the context of the Rafale deal, alleging that there was corruption in the deal and that Anil Ambani’s company, which had no experience in manufacturing aircraft, had been given the contract.

The Complaint and the Lower Court’s Order

Following Gandhi’s remark, Rajesh Modi, a resident of Katihar, had filed a complaint against him in a local court, accusing him of making derogatory remarks against him and his family. The complaint had been filed under Section 500 (defamation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

The court had taken cognizance of the complaint and had issued summons against Rahul Gandhi, directing him to appear before it on May 20, 2021. However, Gandhi’s legal team had challenged the lower court’s order in the Patna High Court, which has now stayed the order.

The Implications

The ‘Modi surname’ case has significant implications for the political discourse in India. It has once again brought to the fore the issue of politicians making personal attacks against their opponents, which is a common feature of Indian politics.

Moreover, the case also highlights the growing trend of individuals filing defamation cases against politicians and public figures for their remarks. In recent years, there has been a spate of such cases filed against politicians, journalists, and social media users, which has raised concerns about the misuse of defamation laws.

The case also has implications for Rahul Gandhi’s political career. Gandhi, who has been the target of numerous personal attacks and derogatory remarks by his political opponents, has often been criticized for not hitting back strongly enough.

However, his ‘Modi surname’ remark had been seen as a strong response to the BJP’s attacks on him and his family. The fact that the lower court had taken cognizance of the complaint and issued summons against him had come as a blow to his political image and had provided ammunition to his opponents.

However, with the Patna High Court staying the lower court’s order, Gandhi has received a breather and can continue with his political activities without any hindrance. The relief provided by the High Court has also boosted the morale of the Congress party, which has been facing a series of electoral setbacks in recent years.

The ‘Modi surname’ case is not just about politics and personal attacks but also about the legal aspects of defamation law. Section 499 of the IPC defines defamation as “whoever, by words either spoken or intended to be read, or by signs or by visible representations, makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person intending to harm, or knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm, the reputation of such person.”

Defamation is a criminal offence in India and is punishable with imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or with a fine, or both. The offence of defamation is non-bailable, which means that the accused cannot be released on bail as a matter of right and has to seek bail from the court.

The ‘Modi surname’ case has brought to the fore the issue of the misuse of defamation law, with many legal experts questioning the validity of the complaint filed against Rahul Gandhi. They argue that the complaint was frivolous and motivated by political considerations rather than any genuine harm to the reputation of the complainant.


The ‘Modi surname’ case against Rahul Gandhi has been a high-profile and controversial one, with significant implications for politics, law, and the freedom of expression. The Patna High Court’s decision to stay the lower court’s order has provided relief to Gandhi and his supporters, but the case has also highlighted the need for a balanced and nuanced approach to political discourse and the use of defamation laws.

It is essential to recognize that political discourse, like any other form of public debate, must be conducted with civility and respect for opposing viewpoints. Personal attacks and derogatory remarks only serve to vitiate the atmosphere and detract from the real issues that need to be discussed and debated.

At the same time, it is equally important to safeguard the right to freedom of expression, which is a fundamental right enshrined in the Indian Constitution. The right to criticize and question the actions and policies of those in power is an essential aspect of democracy and must be protected at all costs.

In conclusion, the ‘Modi surname’ case against Rahul Gandhi is a reminder of the complex and multi-faceted nature of Indian politics and the need for a balanced and nuanced approach to issues of law, politics, and society. As citizens and members of a democracy, it is our responsibility to engage in public discourse with civility and respect, while also safeguarding the fundamental right to freedom of expression.

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