Sajjan Jindal is reportedly poised to acquire a stake of up to 48% in MG Motor India, with the intention of transforming it into an Indian company.

In a strategic move, a private company owned by Sajjan Jindal, the chairman of JSW Group, is reportedly planning to acquire a significant stake in MG Motor India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shanghai-based SAIC Motor.

In a strategic move, a private company owned by Sajjan Jindal, the chairman of JSW Group, is reportedly planning to acquire a significant stake in MG Motor India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shanghai-based SAIC Motor. Sources familiar with the matter revealed that Jindal’s group is aiming to transform MG Motor India into an Indian company. The deal, if successful, would not involve JSW Steel and JSW Energy, the listed companies under JSW Group. While a JSW Group spokesperson refrained from commenting on market speculation, MG Motor India did not respond to queries.

According to sources knowledgeable about the ongoing discussions, the proposed arrangement would see Jindal own a stake of approximately 45-48% in MG Motor India, while dealers and Indian employees would collectively hold a stake of 5-8%. SAIC Motor would retain the remaining ownership. Notably, these discussions are believed to have received approval from the Indian government. As per the agreed-upon framework, the plan would result in at least 51% of the equity being held by Indian entities, with the Chinese automaker becoming a minority partner with a maximum stake of 49%.

The move to acquire a significant stake in MG Motor India by Sajjan Jindal’s private firm signifies a strategic effort to foster Indian ownership in the country’s automotive industry. Such a development aligns with the Indian government’s vision of promoting domestic manufacturing and ensuring a larger share of equity and control remains in Indian hands.

MG Motor India, a subsidiary of SAIC Motor, has gained significant traction in the Indian market since its entry in 2019. The company has witnessed considerable success with its lineup of SUVs and electric vehicles. With this potential acquisition, the aim is to solidify the Indian identity of MG Motor India and strengthen its operations within the country.

The reported plan to transfer ownership to Indian entities while retaining SAIC Motor as a minority partner highlights the growing importance of local participation in key sectors of the Indian economy. Such a structure would allow for continued collaboration and technology transfer while ensuring Indian stakeholders have a greater say in the management and decision-making processes.

The involvement of Sajjan Jindal, a prominent industrialist and entrepreneur, in this proposed acquisition brings added credibility and expertise to the table. Jindal’s business acumen and experience in various sectors, including steel, energy, and infrastructure, position him as a valuable partner for MG Motor India’s future growth and expansion plans.

While the deal is still in the discussion phase, it represents a significant step towards Indian ownership and control of a major player in the automotive sector. If successful, it would mark a significant milestone in the Indian automobile industry and contribute to the government’s broader objectives of promoting domestic manufacturing, job creation, and technological advancement.

Moreover, this potential acquisition could have far-reaching implications for the broader ecosystem of suppliers, dealers, and service providers associated with MG Motor India. The increased Indian ownership could foster a more vibrant and localized automotive ecosystem, driving economic growth and employment opportunities across the value chain.

It is worth noting that the Indian government has been actively pursuing policies and initiatives to attract foreign investment while simultaneously ensuring that key sectors are safeguarded with Indian ownership and control. This proposed deal between Sajjan Jindal’s private firm and MG Motor India seems to align with these objectives, striking a balance between collaboration and domestic participation.

As discussions progress and the deal takes shape, the spotlight will be on the outcome and the impact it will have on the Indian automotive industry. The potential transformation of MG Motor India into an Indian company through substantial Indian ownership signifies an exciting new chapter for the brand and the domestic automotive sector as a whole.

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