Seattle has become the first city in the US to prohibit caste discrimination, making history.

The city of Seattle in Washington State has made history by becoming the first city in the United States to explicitly ban caste-based discrimination. The Seattle City Council passed an ordinance that added caste to the list of protected classes in the city’s municipal code, alongside categories like race, religion, and gender identity.
Seattle has become the first city in the US to prohibit caste discrimination, making history.
Seattle has become the first city in the US to prohibit caste discrimination, making history.

The city of Seattle in Washington State has made history by becoming the first city in the United States to explicitly ban caste-based discrimination. The Seattle City Council passed an ordinance that added caste to the list of protected classes in the city’s municipal code, alongside categories like race, religion, and gender identity.

The move to protect against caste discrimination is significant as it acknowledges the experiences of those from South Asian countries where caste systems continue to influence societal structures. With South Asians being one of the fastest-growing immigrant groups in the US, the potential for caste-based discrimination to spread is a concern that the city has addressed with this legislation.

“It is a very simple question: Should discrimination based on caste be allowed to continue in Seattle?” Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who sponsored the ordinance, said during Tuesday’s city council meeting. “But while simple, it is also profound and historic.”

“This was a win centuries in the making and it was really the fruition of many years of organizing in Seattle across racial and gender and worker lines,” said Thenmozhi Soundararajan, executive director of the Dalit advocacy organization Equality Labs. “It’s also proof that the South Asian community wants to heal from caste.”

“If you are reading this and you marched in the Black Lives Matter movement or you desire to live in a society free of racism, racial discrimination, sexism or misogyny, then you should be paying attention,” she told CNN before Tuesday’s vote. “Because while caste oppression or discrimination does not affect all Americans, the way it manifests itself is no different than other types of oppression under capitalism.”

Under the new law, individuals who experience caste-based discrimination can file complaints with the appropriate authorities. The law forbids caste discrimination in various settings, including employment, housing, and public facilities.

Caste-based discrimination is a centuries-old problem, and it is encouraging to see cities like Seattle taking steps to address this issue. The caste system is a social hierarchy that separates people based on their family lineage and is prevalent in countries such as India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Those born into lower castes often face discrimination and oppression, with limited access to education, employment, and basic human rights.

The move by the Seattle City Council to protect against caste-based discrimination is a step towards a more equitable and just society. It sends a clear message that discrimination in any form will not be tolerated and that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or identity.

Moreover, the ordinance could serve as a model for other cities and states to follow, inspiring similar legislation to protect individuals from caste-based discrimination. It is a positive step towards a more inclusive society and a reminder that everyone deserves equal treatment and opportunities.

Seattle’s decision to explicitly ban caste-based discrimination is a historic moment in the fight for social justice and equality. It is a testament to the power of community activism and the role that local governments can play in creating positive change. By taking action to protect individuals from caste-based discrimination, Seattle has set a precedent for other cities to follow, promoting inclusion and equity for all.

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