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9 posts
The '8th Cyber Warriors Conclave' and the Launch of 'Cyber Warriors Middle East' Set to Take Place on March 8th: Be There!

The ‘8th Cyber Warriors Conclave’ and the Launch of ‘Cyber Warriors Middle East’ Set to Take Place on March 8th: Be There!

To learn how to prevent, detect and respond to cyber attacks, the 8th Cyber Warriors Conclave is taking place in Dubai, UAE on 8th March 2023, where experts will assist you with the best practices, use cases and cutting edge technology solutions for safeguarding your business, spotting breaches and deterring them from happening again.
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The UAE and India collaborated to launch the UAE Chapter of the Business Council

The UAE and India collaborated to launch the UAE Chapter of the Business Council

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and India have long had a strong and fruitful relationship, especially in the area of trade and commerce. To strengthen this relationship further, the UAE India Business Council – UAE Chapter (UIBC-UC) was launched on February 18, 2023, by the UAE’s minister of state for foreign trade Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi. The launch of this chapter marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relationship between the two countries.
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On the occasion of the first anniversary of CEPA, the UAE-India Business Council's UAE chapter was launched.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of CEPA, the UAE-India Business Councils’ UAE chapter was launched.

The UAE-India Business Council (UIBC) was founded to promote economic cooperation between the two countries, and it has been highly successful in achieving this goal. With the launch of the UAE chapter, it is expected that the bilateral economic ties between the two countries will strengthen even further. The new chapter will focus on identifying new areas of cooperation, facilitating investment and trade, and promoting the exchange of expertise and knowledge.
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