Taurus to implement Polygon network for strengthening digital assets safety

On June 2, 2023, Taurus, a digital asset provider, mentioned that it would take steps to increase the use of tokens in Europe with the help of the Polygon blockchain, stated Cointelegraph. 

Sources revealed that this step will enable users to maintain digital securities automatically. It is expected that Taurus have clients such as Arab Bank Switzerland, CACEIS Bank, Crédit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Pictet, Swissquote and Vontobel, among others, Cointelegraph added. 

As reported by Cointelegraph, debt, funds and structured products can be some of the most popular assets for tokenisation, but their popularity is related to the local regulations. Supposedly, choosing Polygon was a “natural choice to benefit from the Ethereum network,” Taurus explained.

“The tokenisation of real-world assets is a no-brainer at the root of the idea. The challenge is and always has been to build sufficiently advanced infrastructure to enable it,” Colin Butler, global head of institutional capital,  Polygon Labs, told Cointelegraph.

Reportedly, choosing Polygon was a natural choice to benefit from the Ethereum network 

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