The Playmakers Collaborative: Strengthening India’s Sports-for-Society Ecosystem

To address this gap, the Playmakers Collaborative has emerged as a catalyst for change within India’s sports-for-society ecosystem.

Over the past decade, non-profit organizations and social enterprises in India have made significant strides in promoting inclusive play and addressing the needs of marginalized groups, such as persons with disabilities, gender, and vulnerable populations in tribal areas. However, these organizations often operate independently, lacking connections and opportunities for cross-sharing of best practices and learnings.

To address this gap, the Playmakers Collaborative has emerged as a catalyst for change within India’s sports-for-society ecosystem. This collaborative, led by Pro Sport Development, ELMS Sports Foundation, Sportz Village Foundation, and Naandi Foundation, aims to bridge the divide in a stakeholder-driven manner.

The Playmakers Collaborative’s strength lies in its stakeholder-driven approach. By actively involving organizations and individuals working in the sector, the collaborative ensures that its efforts align with the sector’s specific needs and the broader ecosystem. This collaborative space facilitates cross-sharing of practices and learnings, fostering continuous improvement and maximizing impact.

Furthermore, the collaborative’s emphasis on capacity building and knowledge dissemination holds great potential for the sector. By providing open-source resources and promoting the adoption of best practices, the collaborative aims to enhance programming quality and generate positive outcomes for the communities served.

Equally important is the collaborative’s focus on building relationships with key stakeholders. By showcasing the sector’s potential and engaging with government officials, policymakers, supporters, and the media, the collaborative can attract additional funding, support policy implementation, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the sector.

As India builds its 25-year foundation during its G20 Presidency towards India at 100, the Playmakers Collaborative has a unique opportunity to showcase, enhance, and accelerate the potential of sports for development in the country.

By bridging the knowledge and awareness gap among organizations in the sector, the collaborative has the power to elevate the quality of programming and amplify the sector’s impact. As we move forward, it is crucial to establish a robust data and evidence-led framework for the sector, integrating the benefits of sports and physical activity as meaningful interventions for social and health impact.

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