This Kerala temple has introduced a new practice by using “robotic elephants” instead of live ones during their rituals.

Robotic elephant instead of real elephant
In a historic first, a temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala has decided to replace live elephants with robotic ones during their rituals.
In a historic first, a temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala has decided to replace live elephants with robotic ones during their rituals. The decision has been hailed as a significant step towards animal welfare and has garnered immense support from people all over the world.

In a historic first, a temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala has decided to replace live elephants with robotic ones during their rituals. The decision has been hailed as a significant step towards animal welfare and has garnered immense support from people all over the world. The temple, which is located in the town of Thrissur, is known for its elaborate rituals that involve the use of live elephants. However, in recent years, there have been growing concerns about the welfare of the animals and the safety of the people involved in the rituals. To address these concerns, the temple authorities collaborated with a robotics company to develop robotic elephants that can mimic the movements and behavior of their real-life counterparts. The result is a lifelike and impressive creation that has become the talk of the town.
The decision to switch to robotic elephants has been widely welcomed by animal rights activists and experts who have long been advocating for an end to the use of live animals in religious rituals. They argue that the use of live elephants is cruel and inhumane, and often leads to their mistreatment and abuse. Moreover, live elephants can also pose a significant safety risk to people during the rituals. There have been instances in the past where elephants have run amok, causing injuries and even fatalities. The use of robotic elephants not only addresses these concerns but also has other benefits. For instance, it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution that does not involve the use of animals. It also ensures that the rituals can be conducted without any disruption or risk to the safety of the participants.
The introduction of robotic elephants has also been welcomed by many members of the community who see it as a positive step towards modernizing and adapting traditional practices to the changing times. It is a reminder that traditions can evolve and adapt to the needs and concerns of society while still retaining their essence and significance. The success of the initiative has also sparked interest from other temples and religious institutions across the country. Many are now considering the use of robotic animals in their rituals and ceremonies as a way to address concerns about animal welfare and safety

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