Unlock Your True Potential with Psychic Medium Ananya Chattaraj’s Tarot Readings and EFT Healing

The custom of divining through tarot cards occupies a substantial place in our society, transcending the usual cultural truisms. Despite such commonplace beliefs, it does not provide a mere glimpse into the future but rather endows individuals with the ability to apprehend and understand it. 
Unlock Your True Potential with Psychic Medium Ananya Chattaraj's Tarot Readings and EFT Healing
Unlock Your True Potential with Psychic Medium Ananya Chattaraj’s Tarot Readings and EFT Healing

The custom of divining through tarot cards occupies a substantial place in our society, transcending the usual cultural truisms. Despite such commonplace beliefs, it does not provide a mere glimpse into the future but rather endows individuals with the ability to apprehend and understand it. 

In the contemporary world, stress and anxiety have become ubiquitous, impeding our capacity to concentrate on our aspirations and live a fulfilling life while being perpetually besieged by future uncertainties. There are instances where we confront perplexing dilemmas about following our intellect or emotions and angst over the repercussions of our choices. Even though we yearn to be clairvoyant, it remains an elusive skill to acquire. 

As such, until we gain such abilities, Ananya Chattaraj, a distinguished and certified tarot card reader, an EFT Tapping and Talking Therapist, and an active Psychic Medium can help in untangling the enigmas surrounding our questions. Her purpose is to help people connect to their deeper selves, identify the right path, and grow spiritually and personally by focusing on the power of now.

Ananya Chattaraj is an exceptionally talented psychic medium who possesses the unique ability to communicate with the divine. She employs her extraordinary gift to relay divine messages to individuals who seek her guidance. Her primary objective is to facilitate individuals in establishing a connection with their inner being and realising their innate capabilities. According to her beliefs, each individual has a distinct purpose in life, and she perceives it as her responsibility to aid them in discovering and fulfilling that purpose. 

Besides, Ananya is the founder of DIVINEMYSTICALTAROT, which offers a platform where she assists individuals in making informed decisions and offers guidance on how to improve their lives. She provides comprehensive aid in various aspects of life, including relationships, career, self-esteem, and spiritual development. Ananya recognizes tarot cards as a tool that facilitates people in gaining a deeper understanding of their lives and making sound decisions. Drawing on her vast knowledge of tarot, she delivers precise and perceptive readings to her clientele. 

Apart from being a tarot reader, Ananya is also an EFT healer. EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques is a form of alternative therapy that involves tapping on specific points in the body while focusing on negative emotions or physical pain. Ananya uses EFT to help people reprogram their subconscious minds and release negative emotions. She believes that our subconscious mind is responsible for our beliefs, habits, and emotions. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you can change your beliefs, habits, and emotions, and lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Ananya is a highly qualified and experienced talking therapist who subscribes to the view that the first step towards healing is to articulate our problems. She offers her clients a secure and non-judgmental environment that empowers them to openly share their thoughts and feelings without fear of being stigmatised or invalidated. She firmly believes that by talking about our issues, we gain a better understanding of our lives and can bring about transformative changes.

Through her approach, she fosters a deep sense of trust and rapport with her clients, which enables them to feel seen, heard, and validated, ultimately leading to a sense of inner peace and well-being. Ananya’s approach to talking therapy is grounded in the belief that the human psyche is a complex and dynamic entity that requires a nuanced and empathetic approach to facilitate healing and transformation. 

Ananya’s approach to healing is holistic, and she believes that the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. She uses a combination of tarot readings, EFT tapping, and talking therapy to help her clients heal emotionally and physically. She believes that when we heal emotionally, our physical health improves automatically.

To know more, follow her on

Instagram: @tarot_mysticalanany

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