Wipro Slashes Freshers’ Salary Offers by 50%, Sparks Union Outrage

Wipro’s move to cut salary offers to freshers awaiting onboarding by almost 50 per cent under one programme has been termed “unjust”.
Wipro’s move to cut salary offers to freshers awaiting onboarding by almost 50 per cent under one programme has been termed “unjust”.

Indian IT giant Wipro has reportedly slashed salary offers to freshers who are awaiting onboarding by 50%, sparking outrage from the company’s employee union.

The move has been criticized by the union, which has described it as “unacceptable” and is calling for Wipro to reconsider its decision.

According to reports, the salary cuts will affect around 3,000 freshers who were offered positions at Wipro but have not yet been onboarded due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wipro is one of India’s largest IT companies, and the decision to cut salary offers has sent shockwaves through the industry, with many questioning the move and its potential impact on the company’s reputation.

In a statement, the Wipro employee union said that the decision to cut salaries was “unfair and unjust” and called on the company to reconsider its decision.

The union also expressed concerns about the potential impact on employee morale, noting that the move could have a negative impact on the company’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

The salary cuts come at a time when the Indian IT industry is already facing significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted business operations and led to a decline in demand for IT services.

Many IT companies have been forced to cut costs and reduce headcount in order to weather the economic downturn, and the salary cuts at Wipro are just the latest example of the impact that the pandemic is having on the industry.

However, the move by Wipro has been criticized by many as being particularly harsh, given that the affected employees have already been offered positions at the company and are simply awaiting onboarding.

In response to the criticism, Wipro has defended its decision, stating that the salary cuts were necessary in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company and to protect the jobs of existing employees.

The company also noted that it had offered affected employees the option to defer their joining dates or take a refund of their initial deposit, and that it was committed to providing them with the support they need during these difficult times.

Despite Wipro’s response, the move has sparked widespread outrage and criticism from employees, industry experts, and the media.

Many have questioned the company’s decision to cut salaries in the midst of a pandemic, and have expressed concerns about the potential impact on employee morale and the company’s reputation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Indian IT industry hard, with many companies facing a decline in demand for their services and a reduction in revenue. In response, many companies have been forced to cut costs and reduce headcount in order to weather the economic downturn.

Wipro’s decision to cut salary offers to freshers awaiting onboarding by 50% has been seen by many as a particularly harsh move, given that the affected employees had already been offered positions at the company and were simply awaiting onboarding.

The move has also raised concerns about the potential impact on employee morale and the company’s ability to attract and retain top talent.

In a statement, the Wipro employee union called on the company to reconsider its decision, noting that the salary cuts were “unfair and unjust” and could have a negative impact on the company’s reputation.

The union also expressed concerns about the potential impact on employee morale, noting that the move could lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation among affected employees.

The salary cuts have also sparked widespread criticism and backlash from industry experts and the media. Many have questioned the timing of the decision and have expressed concerns about the impact on the company’s reputation and ability to attract top talent.

In response to the criticism, Wipro has defended its decision, stating that the move was necessary in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company and to protect the jobs of existing employees.

The company also noted that it had offered affected employees the option to defer their joining dates or take a refund of their initial deposit, and that it was committed to providing them with the support they need during these difficult times.

Despite Wipro’s response, the move has raised broader questions about the treatment of freshers in the Indian IT industry and the need for greater protections for employees during times of economic uncertainty.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of employees in many industries, particularly those in temporary or contract positions. The salary cuts at Wipro have underscored the need for greater protections and support for workers, particularly those at the entry level.

In conclusion, Wipro’s decision to slash salary offers to freshers awaiting onboarding by 50% has sparked outrage from the company’s employee union and raised questions about the company’s commitment to its employees. While the move may have been necessary from a business perspective, the harshness of the cuts and the timing of the decision have led to widespread criticism and concerns about the impact on employee morale and the company’s reputation. It remains to be seen how Wipro will respond to the criticism and whether it will reconsider its decision in light of the backlash.

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