World Environment Day: Green light to green jobs

India’s net-zero target for 2070 calls for a remarkable shift in the corporate landscape. Among other things, it will impact hiring practices with a focus on hiring professionals in green jobs. These jobs include sustainability manager, ESG analyst, social impact manager, climate change adaptation planner, green supply chain manager, governance & compliance specialist, renewable energy expert, etc.

According to Sachin Alug, the CEO of NLB Services (a talent solutions provider), green jobs are emerging as desirable options. “Over the last three years, India has witnessed unprecedented growth in demand for green jobs,” he said. “As organisations work towards becoming more ESG-compliant, demand for niche roles like ESG analysts, social impact managers and sustainability managers will grow. We expect the demand for key green jobs to increase 15-20% every year for the next 10 years. To help corporates address this high demand, we are building a talent pipeline.”

According to NLB Services, these roles are their skill requirements are:

—Sustainability manager (environmental science and policy knowledge, economics and finance skills, analytical thinking skills),

—Social impact manager (stakeholder engagement, programme management, relationship management),

—ESG analyst (sustainability reporting, ESG strategy & framework knowledge, quantitative skills, asset management and financial markets understanding),

—Governance & compliance specialist (corporate governance, regulatory compliance, risk management),

—Renewable energy expert (understanding of renewable energy technologies, policy advocacy, market analysis),

—Climate change adaptation planner (climate change analysis, data modelling, understanding of environmental science),

—Green supply chain manager (supply chain management, sustainability, logistics).

Alug said that studies show India can generate 30-32 million green jobs by 2050. “With companies becoming proactive in acknowledging their ESG agenda, their need to attract relevant top talent is increasing,” he said. “As the focus of both governments and corporates on environmental sustainability continues to shape business strategies, the demand for professionals skilled in this domain will continue to grow.”

‘Green jobs’ to witness 15-20% year-on-year growth this decade, and studies show India can generate 30-32 million green jobs by 2050 

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