Shakir Shaikh, the founder of NAMG, Fashion Choreographer, Show Director & Grooming Expert making a lasting impact on the modelling scene

Born in Bhopal, Shakir Shaikh is a well-known figure in the choreography and grooming industry. Shakir’s work as a fashion choreographer has earned him a reputation as one of the best in the business. He has worked on numerous high-profile fashion events and shows, and his innovative and creative approach to fashion has won him many fans and followers. Shakir is known for his ability to bring together different elements of modelling from fashion, clothes and accessories to music and lighting, to create a cohesive and captivating show.

In addition to his work as a fashion choreographer, Shakir is also a respected show director. He has directed several high-profile events and shows, and his attention to detail and understanding of what makes a great show have earned him a status as one of the best in the business. Shakir’s work as a show director has contributed to the growth and success of many Indian fashion events, and he continues to work on new and exciting projects in this field.

Shakir’s expertise in grooming has also earned him recognition in the modelling industry. He has worked with some of India’s top models and celebrities, and his ability to bring out the best in his clients has earned him fame as one of the best grooming experts in the country. Shakir’s knowledge of grooming techniques, his understanding of different skin types, and his use of natural and organic products make him a sought-after expert in the field.

Shakir developed an early interest in choreography and grooming, and his passion for this field led him to start NAMG in 2017. NAMG is a Model and Grooming School which has become one of India’s leading institutions for modelling and grooming education. The school has since grown into one of the top institutions in the country, offering courses in fashion choreography, show direction, makeup, grooming, and personal styling. NAMG provides students with hands-on training in the latest techniques and trends in the modelling industry, and students can hone their skills and develop their style.

Started working in the choreography & grooming field in 1997, Shakir now has completed his golden 25 years in the industry which is a great achievement. Shakir is a versatile personality, with a plethora of talents ranging from fashion choreography, show direction, and grooming expertise. He has made a significant impact on the Indian fashion industry, and his work has earned him recognition and accolades from the fashion community.

Finally, Shakir is also a passionate traveller. He has visited many countries and has been inspired by different cultures and their approach to fashion and modelling. This has influenced his work and has helped him to bring a fresh perspective to the Indian fashion industry. Shakir continues to travel and explore new destinations, and his travels have given him a wealth of knowledge and experiences to draw from in his work.

Shakir Shaikh is a true leading fashion choreographer and grooming expert. His work has made a significant impact on the Indian modelling industry. His passion for fashion, grooming, and travel have earned him recognition and respect in the fashion community, and he continues to inspire and influence others with his innovative and creative approach to fashion. With NAMG and his other projects, Shakir is set to continue making a lasting impact on the Indian modelling scene for years to come.

To know more, follow him on Instagram

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